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Surprising Facts About Humans

creepy facts that make you think

A young lawyer discovers some troubling facts about her family and her boss in "Disturbing Facts," her novel. Decapitations don't necessarily mean death. A human head is still conscious for approximately thirty seconds after being cut. The human head can also hear voices.

Tendency is to hear voices

Hearing voices is often a symptom of severe mental illness, but this does not mean it is necessarily a cause of such an affliction. It is estimated that up 8% hear voices occasionally. One percent of people who hear voices only occasionally do not need psychiatric care.

Human head remains conscious for 30 seconds after decapitation

It is hard to estimate how long a head of a human remains conscious after it has been severed. However, it is very striking that it is still conscious. Normally, we would expect it to be conscious for just a few seconds. In some cases, the head can even be conscious for more than a minute after decapitation.

depressing facts about death

Conus snails may shed blood from its eyes

Conus snails' brightly-colored shells are a hallmark of their species. They are slow-moving and hunt their prey with a hollow harpoon-like tooth and a hypodermic needle. The venom they shoot into their prey is a neurotoxin that attacks the nervous system. People who do not properly handle cone snails can be exposed to the poison.

King Charles II consumed alcohol mixed with pulverized skulls of human beings

In the 18th-century, alcohol was mixed with pulverized Human Skull Powder. People believed that the powder would cure a number of ailments, including headaches and bleeding. The practice was also used to treat epilepsy.


Hypothermia can lead to death in people who have been exposed to it. Some cases can even prove fatal. Although this condition can affect anyone it can be especially devastating for those who are chronically sick or malnourished. People who suffer from the disease may even be misdiagnosed as victims of a crime, and this can lead to tragic consequences for their families.

Lead makeup

The heavy, bluish-grey metallic lead is found in trace amounts in the environment. It is found in many foods, including rocks, soil, water and even food. Its level is not usually dangerous for human health. Most of our exposure to lead comes from air pollution, while makeup products do not contain lead by design.

creepy facts about sleeping

Medical errors

Medical errors cause the death of at least one person every minute in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 251,454 people die each year from medical mistakes. This represents more than nine per cent of all deaths. Additionally, medical errors are more prevalent in fast-paced, high-stress environments, as well as during new procedures. Medical professionals need to collaborate to reduce the likelihood of medical errors occurring and to prevent them from happening.

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Which is the most secretive city in the world?

This question might surprise you. It may even make it uncomfortable, as it challenges our perceptions of reality and our lives. There is a reason this place exists and it's not as you might expect.

It was also called the City of God in ancient Greek. It was called the City of Destruction by the Bible.

It's known in India as Kashi (Kashmir). It's known in Russia as Novgorod.

Here in America, however, it is called The Village That Disappeared.

One small community in western New York State with 1,200 residents vanished without a trace. No bodies, cars, houses, nothing was left behind except a road sign pointing to its former location.

The little village vanished, with no trace of its existence. Some believe it was swallowed by the earth. Others believe it was destroyed by a meteorite. Still, others say aliens took it away.

The residents of this once prosperous community believe that whatever happened, their town is not gone forever. They had just moved to another town.

You can even track the disappearance of Zugspitz on a dedicated website.

So, where exactly did this town go? It's actually in Switzerland!

The border of Austria and Germany is at Zugspitze. Lake Zugspitze can be found just beyond the summit.

It has always fascinated my that so many towns have disappeared but others still exist. Why do some disappear while others survive? I decided to investigate.

I was interested in learning more about these mysterious towns that are disappearing. What causes a community to disappear? How can one place become extinct?

There are many theories to explain the phenomenon of disappearing towns. One theory suggests that a community disappears when all of its buildings are removed. Another theory suggests that the town simply moves somewhere else. Another theory suggests that the town has never existed.

Theories aside, the fact remains that dozens of towns around the globe have been swallowed up by the ground. This video explores the history of these towns and examines their current state.

Why do actors get blacklisted in the first place?

When you're an actor, there's more rejection than when you're a writer. Actors are likely to be rejected often. However, it doesn't really matter as you will eventually meet someone who is truly your love.

Actors are often very talented and can make a living anywhere. However, most actors aren't interested in making money. Actors love acting and storytelling. Actors are likely to be outspoken.

Sometimes you may be told by the audition panel that you are too young, too old, or wrong for the role. You might also lose your audition for a film role. That happens a lot.

After you've been cast, there may be criticism. Many people will tell you you look horrible or that you shouldn't be wearing make-up. If you're lucky, you won't even hear negative comments.

Sometimes your character isn't real or authentic and you will be criticised. Perhaps you're a gay man who everyone believes is straight. Perhaps you play a woman that is supposed to be strong but who cries a lot.

Sometimes they might ask you to change how you speak. Sometimes they ask you to sound like a guy or a girl. They want you to sound better most of the time.

Negative criticisms are best ignored. Actors can feel like they have failed when they are told they did something wrong. The truth is they haven’t done anything wrong.

They weren't born with the talents that made them famous. Sometimes, no matter what they do, they just don't fit the bill.

There are lots of reasons why an actor could get blacklisted. Some people don't like actors. Some people think actors are lazy. Others think actors are lazy.

Whatever the reason, it's important to realize that you will not get blacklisted if you keep trying. There are plenty of jobs available and you'll find them.

You'll succeed as long as you keep trying.

Which is the most mysterious spot on Earth?

Antarctica is considered the most mysterious area on Earth.

We find this place so fascinating. Because it's unlike any other place in the world.

It is difficult to access because it is remote and extremely isolated. But there is more to this site than meets the eye.

You'll also find the strangest species of wildlife in this natural wonder.

Let's now see how this amazing destination came to be so well-known for its mystery.

Antarctica: The South Pole

No one knows exactly why Antarctica was named Antarctica. Some say it means "land on ice." Others believe it comes out of Greek mythology.

Antarktis is the name Antarktis was given to an island in ancient Greece by Zeus' twin brothers. According to some legends, one of these twins was born in winter. This is why the word "antarctic" was chosen.

Others believe the name was derived from the Greek words tropos, which means turn, and anti, meaning against. This would mean land turned away from the sun.

Whatever the reason Antarctica has held a special fascination for people, it is undeniable.

It is the continent with the lowest, windiest and highest temperatures. There are no trees, plants, or animals here because it is too cold.

Yet, this frozen wasteland is alive.

About 90 percent of all living things on Earth live here. About 50% of the world's plant and animal species can be found here.

What is it that makes Antarctica so unique? Here water freezes to ice and not evaporates into the atmosphere.

This causes large amounts of ice to float above ground.

These floating glaciers cover over 80%. They are growing in size every year.

The Antarctic ice sheet has grown 60ft since 1960.

If the melting continues, the sea level will rise by up to 200 feet. That could cause massive flooding around the globe.

This does not mean that everyone is wrong. Global warming may be beneficial for some scientists. They suggest that rising temperatures could cause ice sheet melt faster, leading to floods that flush out toxic chemicals from soil and bodies.

But others warn that this theory sounds like a plot from a science fiction movie.

Did you know that there are approximately 1.6 billion metric tons of trash produced every day in the world?

The United Nations states that an average person produces more than 2.5 pounds of waste per day. That's over 25 billion pounds of garbage each year!

The majority of this garbage ends up in incinerators or landfills. But what happens when the dumpsters become full? It goes to the United States, where most of it is exported. The trash is then sent out of the country and dumped in countries where it pollutes ecosystems. But, one man has now discovered exactly where this rubbish goes. Mike Sexton is his nickname. He owns a company called Waste Watchers. He spends his time watching trucks hauling trash around North America. He then reports back about what happens next.

Sexton said he enjoys his job. "We've got a lot of fun," he told CNN. "We see big rigs coming through town and we'll follow them. "Sexton started following truck driver almost 20 years back.

He stated that he fell in love with the product.

Sexton's favorite story was about a driver who stopped at an abandoned gas station in Los Angeles. Sexton remembered, "The man was looking for somewhere to put the load." "He saw the building as he drove down the road. He backed up and entered the building. "There were two enormous roll-off containers filled with stuff. The man removed everything from the truck and started to load it again. "Then he looked at the place and decided to unload everything. There were a bunch of old tires, rags, furniture, mattresses, boxes, bottles, cans, and whatever else. "It was just total chaos. But it had been cleared out before he arrived. There wasn't any trash anywhere."

This is the reason why it happened. This particular spot used to be a recycling center. People would drive there to recycle their trash. Sexton explained, "They would bring their household goods and take them here," and they would then empty the containers.

You might see this happen hundreds of times a day. The truck can be stopped running if it is so full of junk that it has to come back hundreds of times per week. The owner eventually abandons the vehicle.

Trash is not the only problem our planet faces.

The majority of these particles are made of small pieces of plastic. Some are washed into rivers and oceans. Others end up with fish in their stomachs.

Experts warn that the world may soon face a shortage of food if we don't make any changes. One expert said, "If we keep going as we are going, we're never going to make it," but most people don’t seem concerned.


  • In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year, which is insane when you think about it. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)

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Hollywood Actors With Dark Past

We have all heard of actors with dark pasts. However, we won't be able to go back in history and ask them directly. But there's a way to discover more about these actors' lives without digging too deep.

Internet is an incredible tool for finding information about famous persons. You will not only find fascinating facts, but you will also be able to learn about their lives.

Let's suppose that you are interested in Samuel L. Jacksons childhood. If you type his name into Google, you'll probably come across a website called "SamuelLJacksonChildhood." This site contains pictures of him when he was young, articles about his upbringing, and even a biography.

Although it may seem tedious, this type of information can help you make connections with Samuel L. Jackson. It is possible that you will be shocked to find out that Jackson grew in a tough neighborhood and was successful after overcoming all odds.

You might feel inspired to overcome your obstacles, or you might learn that Samuel L. Jackson is working on a movie based on his life. Samuel L. Jackson can be a great friend if you share your personal experiences.

This website is one of many online. Make use of these websites to learn more about the lives celebrities. You may be surprised at what you uncover.

Surprising Facts About Humans