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The Most Secret Places in the World

facts that will scare you to death

There are places on the planet that an average person will never be able to visit or experience. Some are exclusive to the wealthy and others are only available to the poor. These are the most exclusive places on earth, which most of us will never be able to access. Read on to find out more about these places and where you can go to see them.

Menwith Hill Royal Air Force Station

Menwith Hill Royal Air Force Station houses US drone operations. These missions are secretive and used to target terrorists all over the globe. They are also used to monitor phone calls, emails, and Google searches. The base has been operating since 1954 and successive British governments have reportedly cooperated with it. MPs have been denied access repeatedly to the base.

Menwith Hill was involved with a variety of "capture and kill" operations. Although Snowden's documents did not reveal details of the fatal incidents, it is clear that the base has been used in the killing of hundreds of civilians in the last decade. Its mission was also a crucial part of drone strikes in Yemen.

North Sentinel Island

Since 1997, North Sentinel island has been isolated from outsiders. Because of the risk of spreading diseases from other countries, contact with the island was banned by the Indian government. The island's inhabitants aren't particularly open to visitors. They have been living in isolation for more than 50,000 years. They want their island to be the same as it is today.

terrible fun facts

Although the estimated population is somewhere between eighty-150 and 150, it could actually be much higher. They speak a language they have developed and live in huts built with slanted roofing. They can also construct their own narrow outrigger kayaks and are proficient at using bows or arrows. They hunt for food as well as harvest crabs and fish.


Lake Baikal in Siberia is the deepest lake in the world. It is also one of the oldest. It is also home to more 1,700 species. Almost 33% of these species can only be found in the Lake. A program of ambitious research has brought together scientists from all corners of the globe and their Soviet counterparts.

Although Lake Baikal's water is clean, some pollutants can cause it to become contaminated. Epischura, tiny creatures that live near the shore, ingest these contaminants and transport them up the food chain. These contaminants then build up in the bodies larger fish. Lake Baikal's endemic fish include omul, nerpa and golumyanka.

Mount Weather complex

The Mount Weather complex in Washington DC has been a secret location for decades. It has many facilities including an emergency medical facility and crematorium. There is also a radio- and television studio and an Emergency Broadcasting System. The facility can hold up to 2000 people in an emergency. However, it is unlikely anyone will ever use the whole complex. The facility was temporarily restored after a major electrical power outage occurred in Washington, D.C., April 7, 2015.

Mount Weather is one of the most hidden locations in the entire world. This underground location cannot be accessed without a code. Once a code has been cracked, you can access the location. Once inside, you will find a shield and computerized surveillance system protecting the complex. There are several secret passages to the complex as well underground rooms that have different systems. A small area in the center of the complex is home to two underground buildings. These buildings host the main services of the complex.

secret things in world

Haiku Stairs

Haiku Stairs are a steep climb not recommended for the faint-hearted. Haiku Stairs are found in the Pacific Ocean. The area is also home to a radio station that broadcasts to Navy ships all over the Pacific Ocean. You should be fit enough to climb these stairs and have plenty of water.

Since 1987, the staircase has been out of reach for the general public due to the possibility of trespassing. This makes it illegal to climb the stairs during daylight hours. A $1000 fine can be imposed for violating this law. The area is surrounded by guards and helicopters of police are frequently spotted hovering just above the stairs.

Next Article - You won't believe this


Is there a Hollywood blacklist?

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

The list isn’t available for public viewing. As far as we know, the names aren't even known. But here's why it matters.

The secret is because the directors and actors on blacklist wouldn't have any job opportunities. So they'd go out of business, which means that the studios would lose money. That would result in a reduction in spending on movies. This would lead to fewer opportunities and less money for blacklisted directors. Which would lead them to go bankrupt.

This could eventually lead to more victims.

In other words, if someone is trying to make an Oscar winning movie, they might have to sign a contract that says they won't speak openly against their employers. Any director or producer who would like to be nominated for an award is subject to the same rules.

This is why you'll hear about directors being pressured by producers to take scenes out of their films. Directors may threaten to quit projects that don’t align with their vision.

This is why Hollywood keeps a blacklist. You'll likely become unemployed if you say bad things about your employer. It's not good for anyone.

Problem is, many people have been falsely charged. It's been a struggle to get their names cleared.

This kind of thing must stop before it can happen again. We need to ensure everyone has the right of expression.

Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the Hollywood blacklist.

How does the brain control the functions of your body?

The brain communicates with other organs to ensure their cooperation. The brain controls everything that happens in your body. It tells you your stomach to digest food; your lungs to inhale air; and it tells you your arms and legs how to move.

Your brain consists of billions of nerve cells connected in groups called neurons. Action potentials are electrical signals that neurons send to one another. Each neuron has a cell membrane surrounding its nucleus. The membrane contains channels that allow ions like sodium and potassium to enter the cell and leave it. The electric charge that causes the neuron's fire is created by ion movement.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals released when a neuron fires. Neurotransmitters can bind to receptors at the second neuron. They open ions channels, allowing ions to move in and outside of the channel. This causes the second neuron to fire too.

Neurotransmitter release occurs when the presynaptic neuron receives an impulse from another neuron. An impulse travels along a synaptic link between the two neuron. The transmitter binds directly to the receptors in the postsynaptic nervous neuron, and triggers the firing.

The nervous system relies on neurotransmitters for communication. They are also responsible for coordinating activity between various parts of the brain.

What is your most secretive community?

The answer to that question may shock you. It might even make you uncomfortable because it challenges our perception of reality and how we live. However, there's a reason for this place to exist. It's not what we would expect.

The City of God was its name by the ancient Greeks. It was also known as the City of Destruction according to the Bible.

It is also called Kashi in India (Kashmir). In Russia, it's called Novgorod.

But here in America, it goes by another name - The Town That Disappeared.

One small community in western New York State with 1,200 residents vanished without a trace. There were no bodies, cars or houses left behind, but a road sign that pointed to the former location was all that was left.

The little village vanished, with no trace of its existence. Some claim the earth swallowed it. Others say it was destroyed in a meteorite collision. Others believe that aliens took it.

Whatever happened, the residents of this once-thriving community are convinced that their town isn't gone forever. They had just relocated to another town.

There's even a website that tracks the disappearances and recoveries of Zugspitz.

You might be wondering where this town went. It's in Switzerland.

Zugspitze is situated on the border between Germany und Austria. Just beyond the summit of the mountain is a huge lake called Lake Zugspitze.

It has always fascinated me that so many towns have disappeared, yet some still remain. Why does some vanish while others remain? I decided that I would investigate.

I wanted more information about the mysterious disappearing of towns. What makes a town disappear? How can a town disappear from existence?

There are several theories behind the disappearing of towns. One theory states that a town vanishes when all its buildings are destroyed. Another theory is that the town moves to another place. A third theory claims that the town never existed at all.

No matter what theories you may have, there is no doubt that many towns across the globe were swallowed by the ground. This video looks into the history of those places and investigates their current status.

Why do actors end up on the blacklist?

Actors are more likely to be rejected than writers. As an actor, it's likely that you will be rejected a lot. It doesn't matter, because you will eventually find someone you love.

Actors can often make a living from acting because they are very talented. Actors don't really care about making money. Actors love acting, and love telling stories. Actors are likely to be outspoken.

Sometimes you may be told by the audition panel that you are too young, too old, or wrong for the role. Sometimes, you may lose an audition for a movie. It happens all the times.

But once you've been cast, you may also face criticism. You may be told that your makeup is too heavy or you are not worthy of wearing it. If you're lucky, you won't even hear negative comments.

Sometimes it's because you play a character that's not realistic or authentic. Maybe you play a gay man, and everyone thinks you're straight. Maybe you are a woman who is tough but cries often.

You might be asked to change the sound of your voice. Sometimes they ask for you to sound like a male or female. They want you to sound better most of the time.

It is best to ignore these criticisms. Actors feel like they've failed when told they did wrong. However, they aren't doing anything wrong.

They just weren't born with the talent that made them famous. Sometimes, no matter what they do, they just don't fit the bill.

Blacklisting can happen for many reasons. Some people don't like actors. Others feel that actors are lazy. Others still believe that actors cheat.

No matter the reason, it is important to remember that you will not be blacklisted if there are other jobs available. There are many roles available, and you will find them.

You'll succeed as long as you keep trying.


  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)
  • You spend about 10% of your time awake blinking (romper.com)
  • In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year, which is insane when you think about it. (romper.com)

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Hollywood Actors with PhDs: Actresses and Actors with PhDs

Many well-known people have PhDs. These include Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates. Nikola Tesla is one of many notable scientists.

Some stars have Ph.D. degrees including actor Tom Hanks and singer Barbra Streisand.

All these stars earned their doctorate from different universities around the world. Many of these celebrities became successful business leaders and entrepreneurs after earning their PhDs.

Other actors and actresses with PhDs include:

  1. Actor David Schwimmer has an MBA from Columbia University Business School. He also attended NYU's Tisch Academy of the Arts.
  2. Jennifer Aniston is an actor. She graduated with her Bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College. Harvard University awarded her a Master's degree in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management.
  3. Julia Roberts, actress, studied Biology and Public Administration at Yale University. She then earned her Masters of Public Administration from Georgetown University.
  4. Actor Edward Norton graduated Brown University with a Bachelors of Fine Art. He earned his Doctorate degree in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry at Stanford University.
  5. Maggie Gyllenhaal was an actress who graduated from Barnard College with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature. Columbia University granted her her Master of Social Work.
  6. Sarah Jessica Parker, actress was awarded a Bachelor of Arts in psychology at Wellesley College. Columbia University awarded her a master's degree in clinical psychology.
  7. Sandra Bullock, an actress, earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of California Berkeley. After graduating from Cal Berkeley, she went on to earn her Masters of Education at UCLA.
  8. Reese Witherspoon was an actress. She earned her Bachelor in Arts in Political Science degree from Tulane University. Her Master of International Affairs was then obtained from Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
  9. Michelle Williams is an actor who graduated from Wesleyan University, where she received a Bachelors of Arts degree. After graduating from Wesleyan University, she went on to earn her Master of Arts in Psychology at Boston University.
  10. Actress Shailenewoodley graduated Brigham Young University Hawaii in Hawaii with her Bachelors of Arts. She then went to graduate school for her Master's in Environmental Studies from San Francisco State University.
  11. Actor Will Smith graduated from Howard University with a bachelor's degree in Communications. He went on to earn his Master of Business Administration at Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
  12. Queen Latifah was an actress who graduated from Michigan State University with her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. From there, she received her Master of Public Hospital from the University of North Carolina.
  13. Amy Adams, an actress, graduated from Juilliard School with a Bachelor of Music degree. From Manhattan School of Music she received her Master of Music.
  14. Halle Berry, an actor, graduated from American Conservatory Theater in New York with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Carnegie Mellon University awarded her a Master of Fine Arts in Acting.
  15. Brittany Murphy was an actress. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Arts) from Santa Monica High School. After that, she received her Masters of Fine Arts Acting at the New York Film Academy.

The Most Secret Places in the World