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Some bizarre facts about the world

scary medical facts

A B-47 bomber carrying the atomic bomb was flying to the United Kingdom during World War II when it accidentally dropped a pin that would have released its bomb. The plane was headed to the United Kingdom, and the critical part of the bomb was still on the plane.

The impact energy for the meteor was 173 Kilotons (TNT), ten-times more powerful than Hiroshima's atomic bomb. It would have killed approximately 25 percent of the world’s population.

creepy sleep facts

Since the beginning of time, humans have farted approximately 17 quadrillion times. On average, a person farts 14 times a day. In Japan, it is common practice to sleep in public. It is less common for people to be robbed if they are sleeping in public.

People took pictures of deceased relatives in the early 1800s. The earliest photograph known was one of a woman with a full head of hair. In the five centuries before photography, people would use handshakes to check for hidden weapons. It was used as a symbol for ancient birth control.

One of most surprising facts about atomic bomb is that it still had the critical piece of the bomb on it. The atomic weapon would have also killed every Pennsylvanian.

short creepy facts

Another bizarre fact is the atomic bomb wasn't invented alone in the 20th Century. Buzz Aldrin is the man who was the first to go to the moon. He was the one who made the'magic' move.

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What dark secrets do Hollywood have?

Hollywood is full of secret societies. Some are cult-like groups where members follow strict rules and rituals, while others are simply clubs for those who share common interests.

But there are also more nefarious organizations that control much of the industry. Companies such as the MPAA, which determines film ratings, or the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), that set music licensing fees, are examples of these.

Numerous unions/guilds also represent actors and directors as well as writers, producers, and so forth. These large corporations control the majority of major film studios and television networks.

It doesn't really matter how secretive an organization may appear, there is always someone who knows exactly what they do. They shouldn't be fearful, however.

Instead, embrace them. Because they help us make better choices.

These people tell us what movies and songs will succeed, and which books will sell best.

These help us to decide what we'll watch, read, listen, and buy.

We can trust them so we can ignore their advice when it doesn't suit our taste.

They become more powerful because we choose to ignore them. They are the supreme arbiters of taste.

And if you don't like what they say, you're free to ignore them.

Let's now take a look into some lesser-known but very real Hollywood secret societies.

You'll see why they are so important.

Why are actors blacklisted?

When you're an actor, there's more rejection than when you're a writer. An actor will probably be rejected quite often. However, it doesn't really matter as you will eventually meet someone who is truly your love.

Actors have a lot of talent, so they can make a decent living almost anywhere. However, most actors aren't interested in making money. They love acting, and they love telling stories. Actors are likely to be outspoken.

Sometimes, auditions are cancelled because you are either too young or too old for the job. You might also lose your audition for a film role. It happens all too often.

You may be criticised once your casting is complete. Many people will tell you you look horrible or that you shouldn't be wearing make-up. If you're lucky, you won't even hear negative comments.

Sometimes it's because you play a character that's not realistic or authentic. Perhaps you play a homosexual man and everyone thinks that you're straight. Maybe you are a woman who is tough but cries often.

Sometimes they might ask you to change how you speak. Sometimes, they will ask you to sound more like a woman or a man. Most times, though, they want you to sound better.

It is best to ignore these criticisms. Actors sometimes feel like failures when they hear they were wrong. But they're not guilty of anything.

They weren't born with a talent that made them famous. They don't always fit the bill, no matter how hard they try.

Blacklisting can happen for many reasons. Some people don't like actors. Others think that actors are lazy. Others believe actors cheat.

It doesn't matter what reason it may be, you won’t be banned if you keep trying. There are many roles available, and you will find them.

You'll succeed as long as you keep trying.

Is there a Hollywood blacklist?

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

However, the list isn’t public. As far as we know, the names aren't even known. But here's why it matters.

The secretive nature of the information is due to the fact that actors and directors on blacklist won't be in a position to find work. Thus, they would leave the industry and studios will lose money. That would result in a reduction in spending on movies. This would result in fewer opportunities available for blacklisted filmmakers. Which would lead them to go bankrupt.

This could lead to more victims.

In other words, if someone is trying to make an Oscar winning movie, they might have to sign a contract that says they won't speak openly against their employers. This applies to any producer or director who wishes to be nominated.

Producers often pressure directors to cut scenes from their films. Directors threaten to abandon projects that don’t conform to their vision.

This is why there is a Hollywood blacklist. You'll likely become unemployed if you say bad things about your employer. This is bad news for anyone.

Problem is, many people have been falsely charged. And they've had to fight to clear their name.

This must be stopped before it happens again. We need to ensure everyone has the right of expression.

We need to get rid of Hollywood's blacklist.

Have you ever wondered what amount of trash is generated each day worldwide?

According to the United Nations the average person creates more than 2.5 lbs of waste daily. That adds up over 25 billion kilos of garbage every year.

Many of this trash ends in landfill dumps, or incinerators. But what happens if those dumpsters are full? Most of that trash is shipped out of the country. The trash is then sent out of the country and dumped in countries where it pollutes ecosystems. But, one man has now discovered exactly where this rubbish goes. Mike Sexton is his name. He runs Waste Watchers, a company that monitors the movements of trucks carrying trash all across North America. He then reports back about what happens next.

Sexton says he finds his job very satisfying. CNN asked Sexton if he thought it was a lot of fun. "We see these big trucks coming through town, so we'll keep following them. "Sexton started following truck drivers nearly 20 years ago.

He stated that he fell in love with the product.

His favorite story involved a driver who pulled off at an abandoned gas station near Los Angeles. Sexton said that the man was searching for a place to store his stuff. "He drove down the street and saw this building. So he backed up and went inside. "There were 2 large containers that had been rolled off, and they were full of stuff. He took out everything and began to fill up the truck. "Then he took out everything and began to fill up the truck. There were a bunch of old tires, rags, furniture, mattresses, boxes, bottles, cans, and whatever else. "It was a complete mess. But it had been cleaned out before he came along. There wasn't any trash."

What is the explanation? It's because this area used to be a recycle center. People would drive from all over the country to recycle their trash. Sexton said that people would bring their household items to the building and then leave empty containers behind.

This could happen hundreds of time per week. It can happen hundreds of time per week. Eventually, the truck is so full of junk it stops running. The owner eventually decides to dump the truck.

Trash, however, isn't the only problem facing our planet.As you may have noticed, things are getting worse.According to experts, pollution levels have risen dramatically in recent years.More than half of all water bodies on Earth are polluted.Pollution from industrial chemicals has increased by more than 30 percent since 1980.Even the air we breathe is becoming increasingly toxic.A study by the World Health Organization found that the average person inhales around 100 million particles daily.

These tiny plastic particles make up the majority of the particles. Some end up in incinerators or landfills. Others get washed into rivers or oceans.And when they reach the ocean, they often end up in the stomachs of fish.

Experts warn of a possible global food crisis if nothing is done. Experts warn that "if we keep going the way we are, we're not going make it," although scientists agree that the world is heading toward disaster. Most people, however, don't seem to be concerned.


  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)
  • You spend about 10% of your time awake blinking (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • According to a 2018 study published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, this is because blood pressure is regulated by our innate circadian rhythm and internal clock. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)

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Secrets of America that have been declassified

The United States of America is a land full of opportunity and opportunities that can lead to success. There are also secrets that have been hidden for many years that could transform how you live your life.

Some of these secrets are:

  1. More than 5 million secret documents held by the US government haven't been released to the public. These documents contain information regarding UFO sightings, alien lives forms, human cloning, assassination attempts, and even assassination of world leaders.
  2. President Harry Truman created the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947. This agency was created to assist the president in wartime decisions and protect America from foreign threats.
  3. The CIA used mind control experiments to manipulate American citizens without their consent. Project MKUltra, one of the most well-known examples, was an example.
  4. During World War II, the U.S. military tested thousands of civilians. Some of these testing involved exposing soldiers and civilians to mustard gas, as well biological weapons.
  5. In 1992, Guantanamo bay prisoners were subject to germ warfare testing by the Pentagon.
  6. The CIA has secretly created prisons all over the globe, where it holds terror suspects and then sends them to countries such as Thailand, Poland, and Romania.
  7. Death squads to assassinate political dissidents throughout Latin America have been funded by CIA.
  8. The US Air Force continues chemical warfare experiments that are in violation to multiple international treaties.
  9. The Department of Defense frequently violates its rules regarding animal experimentation on humans.
  10. While arresting protestors on coastal waterways, the Coast Guard has consistently violated federal legislation.
  11. The Transportation Security Administration performs illegal searches at airports in the country.
  12. Through armed drones and "assassination groups", the CIA conducts targeted killings programs that are not on recognized battlefields.
  13. The Office of Public Affairs oversees the CIA. However, OPA employees continue to write alternative media articles. These articles are then distributed among intelligence agencies or defense contractors. OPA writers claim that the truth about UFOs, aliens, 9/11, climate change, and other sensitive subjects have been withheld by national security forces who fear public awareness.
  14. The US Air Force has files on almost 7 million Americans that they consider subversive.
  15. Undercover agents provocateurs have been used by the US Army to organize violent protests or race riots.
  16. The NSA collects phone logs and credit card information and then shares it with companies to sell advertising.
  17. The FBI has been stockpiling ammunition and guns since the 1980s, which most people won't know. The FBI has over 10 million ammunitions and 1.5 billion gun cartridges!
  18. Homeland Security department has created concentration camps where prisoners can be held, tortured, or killed. Members of Congress are prohibited from visiting these detention centers.
  19. The NSA has been involved in spying on journalists and activists at home.
  20. The NSA performs massive computer surveillance against innocent citizens, many completely unrelated to terrorism.
  21. The NSA oversees the mass surveillance of cell phones, email accounts, celebrities, members, judges, and the president of the United States.
  22. The NSA intercepts financial transactions, and tracks movements of private individuals.
  23. The NSA spy on stock exchanges around the world and monitors energy production facilities.
  24. The NSA hacks computer networks and installs keystroke loggers onto computers without obtaining search permits.
  25. The NSA employs cyber warfare techniques in order to disable communications systems of enemies.
  26. The NSA monitors social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter YouTube and Flickr.
  27. The NSA plants fake online identities to impersonate hackers and spread propaganda.
  28. For personal data, the NSA penetrates message boards and chat rooms.
  29. The NSA creates false personas to manipulate online discussion groups and forums.
  30. The NSA makes homeless people install spyware on smart phones.

Some bizarre facts about the world