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The Secret of Jesus -- The Family International Documentary

horrifying history facts

Jesus made it possible to heal some sick people during his early ministry. He also took away armor from strong men. He was also able transform water into wines. These things he did, but he wasn't the only one to do them. There are some interesting allusions in the Bible to Jesus' closest companions.

The Bible also says that Jesus had a child. The Bible says that Mary was his mom. Some Christians believe Jesus was not the sole child of Mary. They also believe Mary was a virgin. This is a very interesting point. This is just one reason to celebrate Mary’s birth.

Jesus first performed a miracle by removing the armor of a powerful man. He also performed some other miraculous feats. Some of these were not as spectacular as others. Some people combined demon possession and insanity. Others claimed Jesus Christ was the Son Of David. These claims were disputed by historians.

Some claim that Jesus' family is alive and well today. They were however not buried in Jerusalem together. This resulted in a power struggle among the early Church, and the family Jesus. This led to much exclusion. The early years of Christianity saw the Jesus family unable to share their wealth. This caused some disdain among Jesus' followers.

true scary facts


What dark secrets are there in Hollywood?

Hollywood is filled secret societies. There are many secret societies in Hollywood. Some are cult-like, where members adhere to strict rules and rituals. Others are clubs for people who share similar interests.

Some of the most powerful organizations in the industry are even more dangerous. These include the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), the organization that sets film ratings and RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America), the company that sets music licensing fees.

Numerous unions and guilds also represent actors, directors, writers, producers, etc. The majority of major television networks and movie studios are owned by large corporations.

The fact is that regardless of how secretive any group may be, someone somewhere knows exactly who they are. We shouldn't fear these people.

Instead, embrace them. Because they offer us information that can help us make better decision.

They can tell us which movies and songs are likely to be successful, as well as what books and novels will be most popular.

They help us make decisions about what we will buy, watch, listen to, or read.

Because we can trust them, we can ignore their advice when it conflicts with our tastes.

They are more powerful than ever because we chose to ignore them. They become the ultimate arbiters of taste.

They can be ignored if you don’t like what they have to say.

Now let's take a look at some lesser-known yet very real Hollywood secret society.

You'll see why they are so important.

Which is the most mysterious spot on Earth?

Antarctica is considered the most mysterious area on Earth.

This is why we find it so captivating. It is unlike any other place on Earth.

It is difficult to access because it is remote and extremely isolated. This site has more to it than meets your eye.

These wild animals are also found in this natural wonder.

Let's see how this incredible destination became famous for its mystery.

Antarctica: The South Pole

No one knows exactly why Antarctica was named Antarctica. Some say it means "land on ice." Others believe it comes out of Greek mythology.

In ancient Greece, Antarktis was the name given to the island where Zeus' twin brothers were born. One of the twins was said to have been born in winter. Hence, the word antarctic.

Others believe that the name comes from the Greek words anti meaning against and tropos meaning to turn. This would be land turned away form the sun.

No matter the reason, Antarctica is a place that has always fascinated people.

It is the highest, coldest, windiest, dryest, and most populated continent. Because it is too frigid, there are no trees, animals, or plants.

And yet, this frozen wasteland is teeming with life.

It houses approximately 90% of all Earth's living organisms. It is home to approximately half of all world's animal and plant species.

What is the secret to Antarctica's unique environment? Here water freezes to ice and not evaporates into the atmosphere.

This results in large masses of ice floating above the ground.

These glaciers cover more than 80% of the continent. And they're growing larger every year.

The Antarctic ice has grown 60 feet so far since 1960.

The sea level will rise up to 200 feet if melting continues. This could lead to massive flooding across the globe.

But not everyone thinks this is bad news. Some scientists claim that global warming could be good for us. According to scientists, global warming could be good for us because the melting of the ice sheets will accelerate, which can lead to floods that release toxic chemicals into our soil and bodies.

Others cautioned that this theory sounds too science fiction.

Here are 5 fascinating facts about the liver

The liver is responsible of breaking down toxins and storing nutrients. It regulates blood pressure and maintains a stable body temperature.

Is it not often that we hear people say "I feel sluggish today" and "my head feels heavier?" These symptoms may indicate problems with the liver.

Some common signs include dark urine, yellowing skin, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, jaundice (yellow coloration), and itching. These aren’t the only warning signs. If you feel any of these warning signs, consult your doctor immediately.

The liver, an essential organ, is vital. It is vital for detoxification, metabolism, immunity, reproduction, and digestion.

  1. The average adult human liver is approximately 1,400g.
  2. At birth, the liver of a baby can be half as big as an adult's. By age three, it is about four times larger than that of an infant.
  3. The liver can be found just below the rib cage, on the left side.
  4. The liver has 16 main lobes, with many smaller lobules within the lobes.
  5. Red blood cells make up approximately 10 million of the liver's total.

How does your brain control the functions within your body?

To ensure that other organs and muscle functions work together, the brain sends messages. Your brain controls all that happens in your body. It tells your stomach to digest food and your lungs to breathe air; it tells your arms and legs to move.

Your brain is composed of billions and billions nerve cells, connected in groups called neurons. Neurons communicate with each other by sending electrical signals called action potentials on axons. Every neuron has an outer cell membrane that surrounds its nucleus. The cell membrane houses channels that allow ions, such as potassium and sodium, to enter and exit the cells. The neuron fires when there is ion movement.

Neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that release neurotransmitters when a neuron fires up, can be found in the space between the neurons and the next one. Neurotransmitters can bind to receptors at the second neuron. They open ions channels, allowing ions to move in and outside of the channel. As a result, second neuron fires as well.

Neurotransmitter release occurs when the presynaptic neuron receives an impulse from another neuron. The impulse travels along an synapse between the neurons. The transmitter binds with the receptors of the postsynaptic nerve, activating the firing of the postsynaptic neurons.

They are vital for the communication between nerve cells. They coordinate activity between the different parts of your brain.


  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)
  • According to a 2018 study published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, this is because blood pressure is regulated by our innate circadian rhythm and internal clock. (romper.com)
  • You spend about 10% of your time awake blinking (romper.com)
  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)

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Hollywood scandals that shocked all of the world

It's shocking to see someone make a name for themselves. It's even more frightening to see them fall from grace.

The best thing about watching how an industry reacts when it makes mistakes is the best part. We've all heard about celebrities who took too much alcohol and drugs. Some even died young because of it.

The worst part about this is that these same stars come out with their problems and are ridiculed by everyone. We were there last week.

After a long and successful career, Heath Ledger finally succumbed to his demons. He died after succumbing to prescription drugs.

His family and close friends had difficulty accepting his death. The media took to him publically.

Heath was once one of the most gifted actors currently working. His performance in Brokeback Mountain earned him two Academy Awards nominations.

Heath was not only an actor, but also directed and wrote films like A Knight's Tale and Monster's Ball.

Hollywood loved Heath, however he soon grew too big for his good looks. He started taking drugs and drinking heavily. He eventually went to rehab and was clean.

After he had gotten sober, he decided to make amends. He then made "Room 237," a documentary that chronicled The Shining's making. The film was originally supposed to be released in this year's theaters, but it will not make its way into the cinemas until next year.

Heath attempted to get into Hollywood every time. Heath was in fact arrested twice on drug charges.

We are not suggesting that Heath should be allowed back into the show business. It would have been nice, however, if he had received some help before things got out of control.

We hope Heath’s tale will be a wakeup call to anyone who may believe that they can still have all.

The Secret of Jesus -- The Family International Documentary