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Famous Lost Cities of the World

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Many civilizations existed in the ancient world, but many of them have been lost. The sites of lost cities often lie below the Earth and no one knows exactly where they are. They may be abandoned by war, natural disasters or other reasons. Whatever the reason, these ancient cities were important to the human population.

The lost cities were once inhabited by Dwarves, Elves, Titans, and Fairies. The buildings of the city lost fell into decline after the inhabitants were either killed or moved to another place. These buildings are now guarded and protected by parasites. They also contain valuable loot.

Machu Picchu is the most famous of all the lost cities. Machu Picchu was constructed by the Incas in the early sixteenth century, but it was abandoned several centuries later. It was unknown for over 100 years. It was rediscovered by Hawaiian historian Hiram in 1911. It is located 2,430m above sealevel and protected by natural springs, agricultural terraces, and other features.

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Caral, which can be found in Peru's Supe Valley is another of these lost cities. The site was inhabited between 2600 BC & 2000 BC. A large plaza is surrounded on all sides by six large platform mummies. Modern estimates suggest that the population ranges from 40,000 to 50,000.

Cuzco (El Dorado), Hattusa, and Hattusa, are some other lost cities of South America. Although the existence of these cities is not confirmed by archeologists, archeologists have been successful in locating evidence. A British soap opera that was inspired by the El Dorado story was made in the 1990s.

Ciudad Perdida was once an impressive city. It is located in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta of Colombia. It was reconstructed by the 1980s. It featured a circular plaza and a network tiled roads. But the Spanish conquest left the city untouched. Some of the survivors kept in touch with the city’s past inhabitants. Others identified themselves as Pompeiiians.

Numerous other ancient cities were also found. They are often forgotten and then rediscovered years or centuries later. These sites also serve as an educational resource for history enthusiasts.

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Lost Cities of the World, a book about a few of these lost cities, is available. It will tell you more about the history of these cities, such as their origins and what they were used for. This is an excellent way to learn about history, regardless of whether you're a historian or just looking for something fun and interesting.

You will find that lost cities all over the globe are full of stories about conflict and devastation. You will also discover how they have evolved over time. Whether it is through war, climate change, or natural disasters, the ruins of these lost cities are important to our understanding of the past.

There are many other cities that have been lost around the world. You might have heard of some. Check out our list with five historic lost cities.

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What is the most mysterious place on earth?

Antarctica is considered the most mysterious area on Earth.

This is why we find it so captivating. Because it is unlike anything else on Earth.

It is remote and difficult to reach. But there is more to this site than meets the eye.

Some of the most bizarre wildlife species can also be found in this natural wonder.

Let's now see how this amazing destination came to be so well-known for its mystery.

Antarctica: The South Pole

Antarctica is not known by anyone. Some believe it is "land of the ice". Others think it comes from Greek mythology.

Antarktis, the Greek name for the island on which Zeus' twin brothers were conceived, was used in ancient Greece. According to some legends, one of these twins was born in winter. Thus, the term antarctic.

Others believe the name was derived from the Greek words tropos, which means turn, and anti, meaning against. This would translate to land that is turned away from the sun.

Whatever the reason, Antarctica has always held a special fascination for people.

It is the continent with the lowest, windiest and highest temperatures. Because it is so cold, there aren't any trees, plants or animals.

This frozen wasteland is still alive.

It is home to approximately 90 percent of all life on Earth. Here are approximately 50% of all the animal and plant species in the world.

What is Antarctica? Here, water freezes into ice instead of evaporating into the air.

This causes large amounts of ice to float above ground.

These floating glaciers cover over 80%. And they're growing larger every year.

The Antarctic Ice Sheet has grown 60 feet in the past 60 years.

The sea level could rise to 200 feet if the melting continues. This could lead to widespread flooding.

Not everyone believes this is bad news. Some scientists believe that global warming can be beneficial. According to scientists, global warming could be good for us because the melting of the ice sheets will accelerate, which can lead to floods that release toxic chemicals into our soil and bodies.

However, others caution that this theory sounds a lot like a plot in a science fiction movie.

What is the reason actors are blacklisted?

As an actor, rejection is much more common than for writers. If you're an actor, you'll probably get rejected a lot. However, it doesn't really matter as you will eventually meet someone who is truly your love.

Actors are often very talented and can make a living anywhere. But most actors don't want to make a lot of money. Actors love to act and tell stories. You'll be an actor if you love acting.

Sometimes you may be told by the audition panel that you are too young, too old, or wrong for the role. Or, you could lose out on a role in a movie. It happens all the times.

After you've been cast, there may be criticism. People will tell you that you look terrible or shouldn't be wearing makeup. If you're lucky, you won't even hear negative comments.

Sometimes it's because you play a character that's not realistic or authentic. You could be a gay actor and everyone assumes you are straight. Perhaps you play a woman that is supposed to be strong but who cries a lot.

Sometimes they might ask you to change how you speak. Sometimes they ask you to sound like a guy or a girl. Most times, though, they want you to sound better.

Negative criticisms are best ignored. Actors sometimes feel like failures when they hear they were wrong. The truth is they haven’t done anything wrong.

They didn't have the talent to make them famous. Sometimes they don't fit that bill no matter how hard or if they try.

There are many reasons an actor might be blacklisted. Some people don't like actors. Others believe actors are lazy. Still, others say that actors are cheaters.

No matter what the reason, you won't be blacklisted if your persistence persists. There are plenty of jobs available and you'll find them.

You'll succeed as long as you keep trying.

Is there a Hollywood blacklist?

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

But the list isn't made public. As far as we know, the names aren't even known. But, here's why it matters.

The secret is because the directors and actors on blacklist wouldn't have any job opportunities. So they'd go out of business, which means that the studios would lose money. They would also cut back on their spending on movies. This would lead to fewer opportunities and less money for blacklisted directors. This could lead to them going bankrupt.

This could lead to more victims.

In other words, if someone is trying to make an Oscar winning movie, they might have to sign a contract that says they won't speak openly against their employers. This applies to any producer or director who wishes to be nominated.

Producers often pressure directors to cut scenes from their films. Or how directors threaten to walk away from projects that don't fit their vision.

This is why Hollywood has created a blacklist. If you make negative comments about your employer, it's likely that you will be unemployed. That's bad for everyone.

Problem is, many people have been falsely charged. These people have had to fight to clear their names.

This is unacceptable behavior and must be stopped. Everybody should be able to freely express themselves.

Also, we must take down the Hollywood blacklist.

What are the darkest secrets of Hollywood?

Hollywood is full of secret societies. There are secret societies that are more cult-like than others. They have members who follow specific rules and rituals. While some are clubs for those with similar interests, others are not.

There are other nefarious entities that have a significant influence on the industry. Companies such as the MPAA, which determines film ratings, or the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), that set music licensing fees, are examples of these.

Numerous unions/guilds also represent actors and directors as well as writers, producers, and so forth. These large corporations control the majority of major film studios and television networks.

It doesn't really matter how secretive an organization may appear, there is always someone who knows exactly what they do. But we don't have to fear them.

Instead, embrace them. Because they provide us with information that helps us make better decisions.

These people tell us what movies and songs will succeed, and which books will sell best.

They help us make decisions about what we will buy, watch, listen to, or read.

We can trust our advisors and ignore advice that isn't in accord with our tastes.

They are more powerful than ever because we chose to ignore them. They become the ultimate arbiters for taste.

If you don't like their words, you can choose to ignore them.

Now let's take a look at some lesser-known yet very real Hollywood secret society.

You can see why they are so vital.


  • In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year, which is insane when you think about it. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • According to a 2018 study published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, this is because blood pressure is regulated by our innate circadian rhythm and internal clock. (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)
  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)

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Hollywood Actors and Actresses with PhDs

Many prominent names include Oprah, Bill Gates. Steve Jobs. Bill Gates. Oprah. Winfrey. Michael Jordan. Barack Obama. Nikola Tesla and Marie Curie are among the many famous scientists.

Some celebrities had Ph.D. degrees, including actor Tom Hanks, singer Barbra Streisand, and actress Meryl Streep.

All of these celebrities received their doctorates from universities around the globe. Many of these celebrities became successful business leaders and entrepreneurs after earning their PhDs.

Other well-known actors/actresses with PhDs include:

  1. Actor David Schwimmer holds a Columbia University Business School MBA. He also attended the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU.
  2. Jennifer Aniston was an actress who graduated Dartmouth College with a Bachelor in Science degree. Harvard University granted her Master of Science in Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management.
  3. Julia Roberts is an actor who studied Biology at Yale University, before obtaining her Masters of Public Administration at Georgetown University.
  4. Actor Edward Norton graduated from Brown University with his Bachelors of Fine Arts. He then earned his Doctorate in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Stanford University.
  5. Maggie Gyllenhaal, an actress, graduated from Barnard College in English Literature with a Bachelor of Arts. She then received her Master of Social Work from Columbia University.
  6. Sarah Jessica Parker, actress, received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree from Wellesley College. Columbia University gave her her master's in clinical psychological research.
  7. Sandra Bullock, Actress, obtained her Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of California Berkeley. She went on to receive her Masters of Education degree from UCLA.
  8. Reese Witherspoon was an actress. She earned her Bachelor in Arts in Political Science degree from Tulane University. From Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy she received her Master of international affairs.
  9. Actress Michelle Williams graduated from Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She then obtained her Master of Arts degrees in Psychology from Boston University.
  10. Actress Shailene woodley graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Brigham Young University-Hawaii. She went on to San Francisco State University's graduate program for her Master in Environmental Studies.
  11. Actor Will Smith graduated from Howard University with a bachelor's degree in Communications. He went on to earn his Master of Business Administration at Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
  12. Actress Queen Latifah graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Her Master of Public Hygiene was then obtained from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
  13. Amy Adams, an actress graduated from Juilliard School after receiving her Bachelor of Music degree. She received her Master of Music from the Manhattan School of Music.
  14. Halle Berry, an actress, graduated from American Conservatory Theater with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. She earned her Master of Fine Arts degree in acting from Carnegie Mellon University.
  15. Actress Brittany Murphy graduated from Santa Monica High School with her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre Arts. She then got her Masters of Fine Arts in Acting from New York Film Academy.

Famous Lost Cities of the World