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The Scariest Thing on the Planet

disturbing facts about the world

The scariest things to encounter on the planet are as varied as they are dangerous. There is the suicide plant, the blobfish, and the voodoo doll of the sea. You will be terrified by all of them. But which of these creatures is actually the most dangerous?

No More Coffee

No More Coffee's scariest aspects are not obvious. Your mind can flood with emotions that you didn't imagine when you aren't used to caffeine withdrawal. You might experience toddler-like reactions and overreactions when you stop drinking coffee. It is possible to feel angry or in tears. You might have trouble thinking rationally.

The blobfish

This sea creature lives at depths up to three thousand feet, where pressure is 118 times greater than that at sea level. It can be found off the coasts of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Blobfish have no skeleton and muscles, which is a difference from other fish. Instead, their bodies are made up of a jelly-like substance.

scary creepy facts

While not endangered, the blobfish has raised awareness of the need to protect these unique creatures. Watt's website says that while invertebrates represent 79 percent the animal world, only 11 percent of conservation literature has been written about them. These creatures are not often studied and protected due to their unusual appearance.

The voodoo doll

Voodoo doll is a strange object that has dark connotations other than its spiritual use. Its history is obscure and poorly understood. This article explores the history of this object and the myths surrounding it.

The voodoo doll is a dark religious symbol in many cultures. It was originally used by slaves for self-defense. It was also used as a tool for revenge. Nowadays, the voodoo doll is marketed as a tool for witchcraft and black magic. Many voodoo enthusiasts are unaware of the adverse effects of using these practices, despite their horror-inducing imagery. These actions can lead to conflicts and depression. These actions can also lead to negativity and bad luck.

The voodoo doll of the sea

One of many places where voodoo toys can be used is the sea. It has been used by pirates and seafarers to ward off foul spirits and bad luck. These voodoo toys are typically skeleton-shaped, decorated with gold, flowers, and miniature captain’s hats.

horrible facts about the world

Some dolls in this collection are human-like, made of coconuts. Some even had human-like teeth. Others were covered with snake-skin, and had feathers on their arms and legs. Some were left in the ocean and later discovered by beachgoers.

The 2004 Lava Tube, Reunion Islands

If you are a fan of stunning natural structures, the 2004 Lava Tube on Reunion Island is a fascinating and interesting place to visit. It was created during volcanic activity in 2000s. The gallery spans 6.3km. Visitors can feel the sensation that they are being pulled down into the earth's deepest veins. You can also learn more about Reunion Island's formation by visiting the lava tubes.

You will find a lot of lava tubes around the Reunion Island. The majority are in the southern-east region. Quelques lava tubes can also be found in Le Grand Brule, where lava flows off the Piton de la Fournaise.

An Article from the Archive - Visit Wonderland


What are some dark secrets in Hollywood?

Hollywood is filled with secret societies. Many secret societies are cult-like and follow rigid rules. Others are just clubs for people with common interests.

Some of the most powerful organizations in the industry are even more dangerous. Companies such as the MPAA, which determines film ratings, or the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), that set music licensing fees, are examples of these.

Numerous unions or guilds also represent producers, writers, actors, etc. These large corporations control the majority of major film studios and television networks.

The fact is that regardless of how secretive any group may be, someone somewhere knows exactly who they are. But that doesn't mean we should fear them.

Instead, embrace them. Because they give us information that allows us to make better decisions.

They also tell us about the movies that are most likely to succeed and which songs are most popular.

These help us to decide what we'll watch, read, listen, and buy.

We can trust our advisors and ignore advice that isn't in accord with our tastes.

Because we have chosen to ignore their power, they are even more powerful. They are the ultimate arbiters and judges of taste.

If you don't like their words, you can choose to ignore them.

Let's take a closer look at some of the less-known, yet still very real Hollywood secret clubs.

You can see why they are so vital.

Is there an Hollywood blacklist?

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

However, the list isn’t public. According to our knowledge, the names of these people aren't known. It matters because of this.

The secret reason is that directors and actors who are on the blacklist would not be able to find employment. They would go out of business which would mean that studios would lose their money. This would mean that they would cut back on movie production. That would reduce the opportunities for blacklisted filmmakers. They could go bankrupt.

This could eventually lead to more victims.

In short, when someone tries to make an oscar winning movie, they might be asked to sign a contract saying they won't speak publicly against their employers. The same goes for any director or producer who wants to get nominated for an award.

That's why you hear stories about how producers pressure directors to remove scenes from their films. Directors threaten to abandon projects that don’t conform to their vision.

This is why there is a Hollywood blacklist. If you make negative comments about your employer, it's likely that you will be unemployed. This is not good news for anyone.

Problem is, many people have been falsely charged. It's been a struggle to get their names cleared.

This must be stopped before it happens again. Everyone should have the right to speak freely.

We need to get rid of Hollywood's blacklist.

Have you ever wondered what amount of trash is generated each day worldwide?

The United Nations estimates that the average person generates more than 2.5 pounds of waste each day. This adds up to over 25 million pounds of garbage annually!

The majority of this garbage ends up in incinerators or landfills. But what happens when the dumpsters become full? Most of that trash is shipped out of the country. The rest is dumped abroad, where it pollutes other ecosystems. Now, we know the exact location of all this garbage. Mike Sexton is his name. He runs a company called Waste Watchers.He spends his days watching the movements of trucks transporting trash across North America. He then reports back about what happens next.

Sexton claims he is very satisfied with his job. CNN's Sexton said, "We have a lot to enjoy." "We often see large rigs passing through our town and we will follow them. "Sexton started following truck drivers nearly 20 years ago.

"I just fell in love with it," he said.

He loved the story of the driver who pulled into an abandoned gas station near Los Angeles. Sexton said that the man was searching for a place to store his stuff. "He drove down the road to see this building. So he pulled over and went inside. "There was a pair of large, full-sized roll-off boxes. The guy took everything out and started filling up the truck again. "Then he looked at the place and decided to unload everything. There were tires, rags. furniture, mattresses. boxes, bottles, cans. "It was just an absolute mess. But it had been cleared out before he arrived. There wasn't any trash."

What is the explanation? This particular spot used to be a recycling center. People would drive there to recycle their trash. Sexton explained, "They would bring their household goods and take them here," and they would then empty the containers.

Now, because of the way the law works, once a container reaches its destination, it cannot be opened.So no matter how often someone takes something out of it, the thing will never be emptied.Every time the truck comes by, it has to start over again. This can happen hundreds of times a week.Eventually, the truck becomes so overloaded with junk that it stops running. And eventually, the owner decides to abandon the vehicle.

Trash isn’t the only problem we face on the planet.

Most of these particles are made up of tiny pieces of plastic.Some of these plastics end up in landfills or incinerators. Others get washed into rivers or oceans.And when they reach the ocean, they often end up in the stomachs of fish.

Experts warn of a possible global food crisis if nothing is done. Experts warn, "If you keep going like you're going," we could soon face a global food shortage. But most people don't seem to be worried, even though scientists are unanimous in warning us that the world is heading towards disaster.

Which is the most secretive city in the world?

This question might surprise you. This may make you feel uncomfortable as it challenges your perception of reality and the way we live. However, there's a reason for this place to exist. It's not what we would expect.

It was also called the City of God in ancient Greek. It was also known as the City of Destruction according to the Bible.

It's also known as Kashi (Kashmir) in India. In Russia, it's called Novgorod.

However, in America it is called The Town that Disappeared.

A small town in western New York State, with a population of 1,200, vanished without a trace. With the exception of a road marker pointing to its former site, there were no remains: cars, bodies, houses.

This tiny community disappeared without leaving any clues as to where it went or when. Some say it was swallowed up by the Earth. Others claim a meteorite strike destroyed it. Others claim it was taken away by aliens.

The residents of this once prosperous community believe that whatever happened, their town is not gone forever. They had just relocated to another town.

There is even a website dedicated to tracking the disappearance of the lost city of Zugspitz.

The question is, where did this place go? Well, it's in Switzerland!

Zugspitze is located on the border between Germany and Austria. The lake Lake Zugspitze is just beyond the mountain's summit.

It has always fascinated my that so many towns have disappeared but others still exist. What is the difference between some towns that disappear and others that survive? I set out to find out.

I was interested in learning more about these mysterious towns that are disappearing. What makes a town disappear? How can one place become extinct?

It turned out that there are many theories about disappearing towns. One theory suggests that a community disappears when all of its buildings are removed. Another theory says that the town just moves. A third theory claims that the town never existed at all.

No matter what theories you may have, there is no doubt that many towns across the globe were swallowed by the ground. This video explores the history of these towns and examines their current state.


  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)
  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)

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American history secret societies and clubs

For many reasons, secret societies and clubs of American History are fascinating. One reason is because of the mystery surrounding them. Their effect on society is another reason.

Secret societies have been used throughout America's history for promoting ideas that would otherwise not be accepted. These ideas include antisemitism or racism. These groups also helped spread political ideologies such as communism and socialism.

The most famous organization in American history is the Ku Klux Klan. This group was created in 1865 after the Civil War. It was created to protect white men against African Americans.

The Knights Templar and Freemasons were also created during this time. All of these groups shared similar beliefs and goals.

Another interesting aspect about secret societies is their ability to restrict memberships to men only. However, these groups had some female members. These women included Emma Goldman. Margaret Sanger. And Susan B Anthony.

Not only the above mentioned groups, but also other secret societies didn't share the same ideals. The Order of Skull & Bones, for example, was established in 1832. Their goal: to create an elite American class.

The Scariest Thing on the Planet