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Is the 1969 Moon Landing Faux? 3 Conspiracy Theories About Nuking Moon

disturbing facts about death

Many conspiracy theorists still debate whether the 1969 landing of the United States on the Moon was real. A 2013 study revealed that seven percent believe that the Moon landings were faked. These people claim that there are inconsistencies between the shadows in photos. They also assert that the photographs were taken using artificial light sources. There are also some who say that the Moon landing was faked in order to draw attention to the Vietnam War. Others believe that the images were altered.

NASA tried to send six astronauts on the Moon in the 1960s. NASA didn't have enough money to complete all six Moon landings. NASA had approximately 411,000 employees in 1969. During that time, the Apollo program was sixty percent of the budget. In the same time, Soviet Union had begun sending unmanned spacecraft to Moon. Soviets also noted the Moon's brightness. Scientists did not believe that there was any life on the Moon. However, they were not sure that life would not be found on the Moon.

scary things to know

The first conspiracy theory involves money. If the Moon landing was faked, then NASA would have needed to create a wall of millions of laser lights. The light would have looked like pixels on a movie screen. This would cost a large amount of money. This would cost around $504 million.

Another conspiracy theory is the Cold War. Many believe that NASA deliberately kept the secret from the public to avoid any possible entanglement with Soviet Union. Some others argue that the budget was cut due to the Cold War. The argument is also made that the astronauts might not have survived. Because the astronauts would be exposed to radiation. They would also be quarantined for 21 days after returning from the Moon.

Flat Earth Society is the final conspiracy theory. Flat Earth Society claims the Earth is flat and can't be orbited. They also claim that Disney sponsored the 'fake' Moon landings. The group was subsequently proven incorrect. It is possible for a conspiracy not to be revealed for long periods of time. David Grimes, an Oxford physicist, says that the secret could be kept hidden for as long as three years or eighteen months.

The fourth conspiracy theory concerns the bribery by the Apollo astronauts. Many people believe that NASA would have had to pay large amounts of money to its employees to keep them quiet. NASA's average salary is $62,500. This would mean that the money needed to fake the moon landing would be six times larger than the money it cost to create a wall of laser lights.

horrible facts

These are just two of many conspiracy theories which have been circulated for close to fifty years. There are many conspiracy theories that have attracted public attention. The popularity of these theories is still a mystery.


Have you ever wondered how much trash is produced worldwide each day?

According to the United Nations, the average person produces over 2.5 pounds of daily waste.That adds up to over 25 billion pounds of garbage per year!

Most of this rubbish ends up in landfills or incinerators. But, what happens when those dumpsters fill up? Where does all that rubbish go?Well, most of it gets shipped out of the country. It then gets dumped in foreign countries, polluting their ecosystems. However, now we know where all that trash goes. His name is Mike Sexton. He runs a company called Waste Watchers.He spends his days watching the movements of trucks transporting trash across North America. He then reports back to us on what happens next.

Sexton said he enjoys his job. CNN's Sexton said, "We have a lot to enjoy." "We see big rigs coming through town and we'll follow them. "Sexton started following truck driver almost 20 years back.

"I just fell in love with it," he said.

Sexton's favorite story was about a driver who stopped at an abandoned gas station in Los Angeles. Sexton recalls, "The guy was searching for somewhere to put his loads." "He drove along the road and saw this structure. He backed up and entered the building. "There were two huge roll-off containers there filled with stuff. The man took all the stuff out and filled up his truck with more. He then looked around and decided to load everything. There were old tires and rags, furniture pieces, mattresses, mattresses and boxes. "It was just a total mess. But it had been cleared out before he arrived. There wasn't any trash anywhere."

What is the explanation? The answer is that this location was once part of a recycling facility. People who knew about it would drive to this location to recycle their garbage. Sexton explained that people would bring home their household items, and then take them to the building. After they were done, they would dispose of the empty containers.

This can happen hundreds of times a week. The truck can be stopped running if it is so full of junk that it has to come back hundreds of times per week. The owner eventually decides to dump the truck.

However, trash is not the only problem on our planet.

Many of these tiny plastic pieces end up in landfills and incinerators. Others end up in rivers, oceans or the stomachss of fish.

Experts say if nothing changes, we could soon face a global food shortage. "If we keep going like we're going, we're not going to make it," one expert warned.But even though scientists agree that the world is headed toward disaster, most people don't seem worried.

What are 5 interesting facts about the liver?

The liver is responsible for breaking down toxins and storing vitamins and minerals. It also helps regulate blood pressure and keeps our body temperature stable.

Is it not often that we hear people say "I feel sluggish today" and "my head feels heavier?" These symptoms may be a sign of liver disease.

Common signs include yellowing skin, dark urine, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, stomach cramps (yellow coloration), itching, and jaundice (yellow colouration). These aren't all warning signs. If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to consult your doctor right away.

The liver, an essential organ, is vital. It is essential for detoxification and metabolism as well as reproduction.

  1. The average adult human liver weighs approximately 1,400 grams.
  2. At birth, the liver of a baby can be half as big as an adult's. It is four times larger by the time an infant turns three.
  3. The liver can be found on the left side of your abdomen, just below the lower rib cage.
  4. There are 16 main lobes in the liver, but many smaller lobules are inside the lobes.
  5. The liver is home to approximately 10 million red blood cell units.

Is there a Hollywood blacklist.

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

However, the list isn’t public. As far as we know, the names aren't even known. But here's why it matters.

The secret is because the directors and actors on blacklist wouldn't have any job opportunities. Thus, they would leave the industry and studios will lose money. This would mean that they would cut back on movie production. This would result in fewer opportunities available for blacklisted filmmakers. Which would lead them to go bankrupt.

This could result in even more victims.

In short, when someone tries to make an oscar winning movie, they might be asked to sign a contract saying they won't speak publicly against their employers. The same goes for any director or producer who wants to get nominated for an award.

This is why you'll hear about directors being pressured by producers to take scenes out of their films. Or how directors threaten to walk away from projects that don't fit their vision.

This is why Hollywood keeps a blacklist. You'll likely become unemployed if you say bad things about your employer. This is not good news for anyone.

Many people have been wrongly accused. These people have had to fight to clear their names.

This must be stopped before it happens again. Everyone should have the right to speak freely.

So we need to take down the Hollywood blacklist.

What is the most mysterious area on earth?

Antarctica is the most mysterious continent on Earth.

We find this place so fascinating. Because it is unlike any other spot on Earth.

It is very remote and isolated. It is not what you see.

You will also find some of the oddest wildlife species in this natural wonder.

Let's find out how this mysterious destination became so famous.

Antarctica: The South Pole

No one knows exactly why Antarctica was named Antarctica. Others believe it means "land with ice". Some believe it means "land of ice". Others believe it is Greek mythology.

Antarktis is the name Antarktis was given to an island in ancient Greece by Zeus' twin brothers. According to legend, one of the twins was born in winter. Hence, the word antarctic.

Others think the name came from the Greek words anti, meaning against, and tropos meaning turn. This would signify land turned away the sun.

No matter the reason, Antarctica is a place that has always fascinated people.

It is also the lowest, windiest continent, driest, and highest. Because it is so cold, there aren't any trees, plants or animals.

Yet, the frozen desert is alive with life.

It houses approximately 90% of all Earth's living organisms. About 50% of the world's plant and animal species can be found here.

What is the secret to Antarctica's unique environment? Here, water is frozen into ice rather than vaporizing into the air.

This results in large masses of ice floating above the ground.

These glaciers cover more than 80% of the continent. They're getting bigger every year.

Since 1960, the Antarctic ice sheets has grown 60ft.

If the melting continues, sea level could rise up to 200ft. It could result in massive flooding all over the world.

Not everyone believes this is bad news. Some scientists believe that global warming can be beneficial. According to scientists, global warming could be good for us because the melting of the ice sheets will accelerate, which can lead to floods that release toxic chemicals into our soil and bodies.

Others, however, warn that this theory sounds almost like a plot for a science fiction film.


  • In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year, which is insane when you think about it. (romper.com)
  • You spend about 10% of your time awake blinking (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • According to a 2018 study published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, this is because blood pressure is regulated by our innate circadian rhythm and internal clock. (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)

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Hollywood scandals that stunned the entire world

Nothing is more shocking that seeing someone be famous for their wrong reasons. But there's also nothing worse than seeing them fall from grace.

The best part is seeing how an industry reacts to its mistakes. Many celebrities have used alcohol and drugs in excess. Some even died young because of it.

But, the worst part? When those stars openly discuss their issues and are ignored by everyone. That's where we found ourselves last week.

Heath Ledger, after a long and successful professional career, finally gave in to his demons. After a short battle with death, Heath Ledger succumbed to prescription pills.

His friends and family struggled to accept the loss of his son, while the media blasted him openly.

Heath was once one of the most gifted actors currently working. Two Academy Awards nominations went to Heath for his performance on Brokeback Mountain.

In addition to acting, Heath also wrote and directed films, including A Knight's Tale, Monster's Ball, and Iron Man 3.

Hollywood loved Heath but he grew too large for his boots. He became addicted to drugs and drank heavily. Eventually, he went to rehab and came out clean.

Now that he was sober, he wanted to make amends. He created a documentary called Room 237, which documented the making of The Shining. It was originally scheduled to release this year, but it won’t be available in theaters until next.

Heath tried unsuccessfully to get into Hollywood again, but nothing happened. In fact, Heath was twice arrested on drug charges.

While we aren't saying Heath shouldn't have been allowed back in the show business, However, it would be nice if he could get some help before things spiral out of control.

We hope Heath’s story can be an example to other people who believe they can still have it all.

Is the 1969 Moon Landing Faux? 3 Conspiracy Theories About Nuking Moon