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Cool Bug Facts

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Insecta is the class of insects called bugs. They are part of the Hemiptera group. They are classified as true bugs by entomologists. They have four legs, hair, and gills. You know their appearance, but did you also know that they also have other unique characteristics?

Insects make up invertebrates

Invertebrates are bugs that have both living and nonliving parts. Insects have segmented bodies and exoskeletons made of chitin. The main parts of their bodies are divided into the abdomen, head, and thorax. Insects use these body segments to extract nutrients from their food. Catabolic reactions are used to digest food. They break down complex macromolecules into simple sugars, and then amino acids.

They have four legs

It is fascinating to observe that some insects have only four legs while others have six. For example, butterflies have six legs while locusts only have four. For jumping, insects use their front pair.

scary psychological facts

They have gills

Most people know that certain insects have gills. Gills are a way for insects to breathe. They allow insects to see their environment. While most insects have eyes that are made up of many visual units, some species have compound eyes made up of hundreds of visual units. For example, caterpillars have 12 sets eye and 30,000 ommatidia.

They have hair

You should be aware that insects have hair. Insects make up the largest group of animals and are a fascinating group to study. The role of insects in our environment is vital, as they are important for both human and non-entomologists. These are some fun facts about insects: what do they eat? How do they jump?

They also produce methane

Methane is a greenhouse-gas that is released by insects such as termites. About 5 percent of global methane emissions comes from these creatures, which produce methane through their guts. Methane can be found in the atmosphere naturally, but human activities produce approximately 320,000,000 tons of methane annually. The largest source of methane emissions comes from fossil fuel industries, including the production of natural gas.

They have ommatidia

Insects have compound eyes made of seven to eleven individual visual units. They are used for a variety of purposes. There are some insects that have more ommatidia than others. For example, the wingless silverfish has fewer than a hundred, while the dragonfly has about 30,000. It is interesting to note that male insects are more distinguishable than their female counterparts.

scariest facts ever

They have insane body parts

One of the most diverse and varied groups of organisms on the planet is the insect family. They are not only important for the economies of many countries but also provide fascinating information to both humans and non-entomologists. One example is the fact that grasshoppers can have ears on their stomachs. A grasshopper's hind legs also have special organs that allow it to jump. The grasshopper can actually jump up to the length of a basketball court. They are also the first animals to produce sound, thanks to their incredible body parts.

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Five interesting facts about your liver.

The liver is responsible both for breaking down toxins as well as storing vitamins, minerals. It also regulates blood pressure, and maintains our body's temperature.

Are you familiar with the expressions, "I feel sluggish today", or "my head feels heavy"? These symptoms could indicate liver problems.

Other symptoms include itching, yellowing of the skin, heavy urine, yellowing of the skin, fatigue and nausea. These aren't all warning signs. If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to consult your doctor right away.

The liver, an essential organ, is vital. It is vital for detoxification, metabolism, immunity, reproduction, and digestion.

  1. The average adult human liver is approximately 1,400g.
  2. At birth, the liver of a baby can be half as big as an adult's. It is four times larger by the time an infant turns three.
  3. The liver can be found on the left side of your abdomen, just below the lower rib cage.
  4. There are 16 major lobes of the liver. But there are also many smaller ones.
  5. There are approximately 10,000,000 red blood cells in the liver.

Which is the most secretive city in the world?

The answer may shock you. This may make you feel uncomfortable as it challenges your perception of reality and the way we live. But there is a reason why this place exists. And it is not what you would expect.

It was called the City of God by ancient Greeks. It was also called the City of Destruction in the Bible.

It's known in India as Kashi (Kashmir). In Russia, it's called Novgorod.

However, in America it is called The Town that Disappeared.

One small community in western New York State with 1,200 residents vanished without a trace. No bodies, cars, houses, nothing was left behind except a road sign pointing to its former location.

This little community vanished and no trace remains to indicate where or when it disappeared. Some believe the earth swallowed them up. Others say it was destroyed in a meteorite collision. Some claim that it was destroyed by a meteorite strike. Others still believe it was stolen away by aliens.

The people of this once-thriving community, however, are positive that the town won't disappear forever. They had just moved to another town.

A website is available to track the disappearance and recovery of Zugspitz, which was lost in the Great Depression.

So where is this town? Well, it's in Switzerland!

Zugspitze is situated on the border between Germany und Austria. Lake Zugspitze lies just above the summit of the mountain.

It has always fascinated my that so many towns have disappeared but others still exist. Is it possible that some towns disappear and others are preserved? I decided that I would investigate.

I was interested in learning more about these mysterious towns that are disappearing. What causes a community to disappear? What makes a place disappear?

It turns out that there are several theories about the phenomenon of vanishing towns. One theory suggests that a community disappears when all of its buildings are removed. Another theory is that the town moves to another place. The third theory is that the town was never actually there.

Although theories may be a bit speculative, it is a fact that numerous towns have been destroyed by the elements. This video examines the history and current status of these places.

How does the brain control the functions of your body?

The brain communicates with other organs to ensure their cooperation. Your body's functions are controlled by your brain. It tells you your stomach to digest food; your lungs to inhale air; and it tells you your arms and legs how to move.

Your brain is made up billions of nerve cell networks connected in groups known as neurons. Neurons communicate by sending electrical signals, called action potentials, on axons. Every neuron has an outer cell membrane that surrounds its nucleus. There are channels within the membrane that allow ions such a sodium or potassium to enter and exit the cell. Ion movement creates the electric charge that causes the neuron to fire.

When a neuron fires, chemicals called neurotransmitters are released into the space between the neuron and the next neuron. Neurotransmitters can bind to receptors at the second neuron. They open ions channels, allowing ions to move in and outside of the channel. In turn, the second neuron also fires.

Neurotransmitter releases occur when a presynaptic neurons receives an input from another neuron. An impulse travels along a synapse that connects the two neurons. The transmitter binds directly to the receptors in the postsynaptic nervous neuron, and triggers the firing.

Neurotransmitters are important for communication within the nervous system. They also coordinate activity between different brain parts.

What dark secrets are there in Hollywood?

Hollywood is filled with secret societies. Many secret societies are cult-like and follow rigid rules. Others are just clubs for people with common interests.

There are also other, more evil organizations that control large parts of the industry. There are companies like the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), who sets film ratings and the RIAA, which sets music licensing fees.

Numerous unions and guilds also represent actors, directors, writers, producers, etc. These large corporations control the majority of major film studios and television networks.

The fact is that regardless of how secretive any group may be, someone somewhere knows exactly who they are. We shouldn't fear these people.

Instead, embrace them. Because they can help us make better decisions.

They tell us what movies will likely succeed, what songs will be popular, and what books will best sell.

They allow us to make informed decisions about what we buy, watch and listen to.

Because we can trust them, we can ignore their advice when it conflicts with our tastes.

Because we have chosen to ignore their power, they are even more powerful. They become the ultimate arbiters for taste.

And if you don't like what they say, you're free to ignore them.

Let's take a closer look at some of the less-known, yet still very real Hollywood secret clubs.

Observe why they are important.


  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)
  • According to a 2018 study published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, this is because blood pressure is regulated by our innate circadian rhythm and internal clock. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year, which is insane when you think about it. (romper.com)

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American history's secret societies and clubs

For many reasons, secret societies and clubs of American History are fascinating. They are mysterious because of this. Another reason is because of their effect on our society.

Secret societies and clubs have been used throughout America’s history in order to promote ideas that might otherwise be considered taboo. Anti-Semitism, racism, and other ideas are just a few of the many examples. These groups also spread ideologies like communism and socialists.

The most famous organization in American history is the Ku Klux Klan. This group was formed in 1865 after the Civil War ended. It was created to protect white men against African Americans.

Other organizations that were created in this period include the Knights Templar (Freemasons), and Odd Fellows. These groups all shared similar goals and beliefs.

Another fascinating aspect of secret societies was that their memberships were often limited to males. Some women were members of these secret societies. These women included Emma Goldman. Margaret Sanger. And Susan B Anthony.

The ideals shared by the secret societies mentioned earlier were not shared by all. The Order of Skull & Bones is an example of a secret society that was established in 1832. Their goal was to create an elite class within the United States.

Cool Bug Facts