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The Scariest Thing on the Planet

most terrifying facts

The most terrifying things on the planet are as diverse as they are scary. There's the suicide fish, the blobfish and the voodoo doll of the sea. All are sure to make you tremble in fear. But which one is really the most dangerous of all these creatures?

There's no more coffee

The most frightening things about No More Coffee are not obvious. When you're not used to the absence of caffeine, your mind is flooded with emotions you never imagined. Coffee withdrawal can lead to overreactions and child-like emotions. It is possible to feel angry or in tears. You might also find it difficult to think rationally.

The blobfish

This sea creature can be found at depths as high as three thousand feet. The pressure there is 118 times more than at sea-level. It can also be found off New Zealand, Tasmania, Australia. Unlike other fish, blobfish do not have a skeleton or muscles. Their bodies are instead made up of a jellylike substance.

creepiest facts

The blobfish, while not an endangered species, has helped raise awareness about the need to save these special creatures. Watt's website claims that invertebrates comprise 79 per cent the animal world. However, only eleven percent is dedicated to their conservation. These invertebrates are often overlooked and not protected due to their beauty.

The voodoo doll

Voodoo dolls are mysterious objects with dark connotations that go beyond their spiritual purpose. Its history has been misunderstood and is still a mystery. This article explores the history of this object and the myths surrounding it.

Voodoo dolls have been used as dark religious symbols in many cultures. It was traditionally used by slaves as a self-defense weapon. It was also used for revenge. Nowadays, the voodoo doll is marketed as a tool for witchcraft and black magic. Even though the images are frightening, most voodoo believers don't know the dangers of this practice. These actions can lead to conflicts and depression. These actions can also lead to negativity and bad luck.

The sea-based voodoo doll

There are many settings where you can use voodoo dolls. It was used by seafarers and pirates to keep away bad luck and bad spirits. These voodoo dolls are usually skeleton-shaped and decorated with gold, plants, and miniature captain's hats.

random disturbing facts

Some dolls in this collection are human-like, made of coconuts. Some dolls even had human-like smiles. Some had snake-skin skin and feathers on their legs and arms. Some were abandoned in the sea and later found by beachgoers.

The 2004 Lava Tube from the Reunion Islands

If you are a fan of stunning natural structures, the 2004 Lava Tube on Reunion Island is a fascinating and interesting place to visit. It was created during volcanic activity in 2000s. The gallery spans 6.3km. Visitors can feel the sensation that they are being pulled down into the earth's deepest veins. Reunion Island's origin story can be learned by visiting its lava tubes.

Around the Reunion Islands, there are many lava tubes. The majority of them are in the south-east region. Several lava tube can be found within the Le Grand Brule Region, where lava flows through the Piton de la Fournaise.

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Have you ever wondered how much trash is produced worldwide each day?

According to the United Nations, the average person produces over 2.5 pounds of daily waste.That adds up to over 25 billion pounds of garbage per year!

Most of the trash ends up at incinerators and landfills. But, what happens to those dumpsters? Most of that trash is shipped out of the country. It then gets dumped in foreign countries, polluting their ecosystems. However, now we know where all that trash goes. His name is Mike Sexton. He is the founder of Waste Watchers. He watches over trucks that transport trash across North America. He then reports back to us on what happens next.

Sexton claims he is very satisfied with his job. CNN asked Sexton if he thought it was a lot of fun. "We see these big trucks coming through town, so we'll keep following them. "Sexton began following truckers almost 20 year ago.

"It's all I felt," he stated.

He loved the story of the driver who pulled into an abandoned gas station near Los Angeles. Sexton recalls, "The guy was searching for somewhere to put his loads." "He saw the building as he drove down the road. He backed up and entered the building. "There were two large roll-off containers full of stuff. He took out everything and began to fill up the truck. "Then he looked at the place and decided to unload everything. There were old tires and rags, furniture pieces, mattresses, mattresses and boxes. It was a complete mess. But it was cleaned out before he came. There was no trash."

Why did this happen? It's because this area used to be a recycle center. People would drive from all over the country to recycle their trash. Sexton explained, "They would bring their household goods and take them here," and they would then empty the containers.

It can happen hundreds of thousands of times per week. This could happen hundreds times per week. Finally, the truck stops running completely due to its excessive junk. The owner finally decides to stop using the truck.

But, this isn't the only problem that our planet is facing.

Many of these tiny plastic pieces end up in landfills and incinerators. Others get washed into rivers or oceans.And when they reach the ocean, they often end up in the stomachs of fish.

Experts warn us that we may soon face an international food shortage if things don't change. Experts warn that if we continue to go the same way, we won't make it. However, scientists and most people aren't worried.

What is the most surprising fact about your body?

We have two eyes and two ears, two nostrils each, four limbs, four limbs and a penis. It's true, we have more 50 parts of our body, but there is one thing missing. A heart.

A heart is the pump that circulates blood throughout a body. The blood flows through the veins and arteries to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Each minute, the heart pumps 5 liters of blood. This is equivalent to a person drinking 2-3 cups coffee daily.

The blood flows throughout the heart 24/7, 365 days a calendar. While you sleep, your heart beats almost 100 times per minute.

The color of someone's skin can tell if they are healthy or not. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels visible on the skin's surface. These tiny vessels transport blood from the larger blood vessels to the heart. The skin turns purple or blue when there is a blockage in blood flow.

People suffering from sickle cell disease have no red blood cells. Their blood becomes sticky and hardens, causing them to become very ill.

You can use a bandage to stop bleeding if your cut is severe. For the wound to heal properly, blood must continue to flow. Doctors place a needle in the wound and insert it through the skin. This allows blood drainage from the injury area.

Doctors may also insert catheters (catheters), in an artery to treat a blood clot. This keeps the patient occupied until the clot is broken down naturally.

Here are 5 fascinating facts about the liver

The liver is responsible of breaking down toxins and storing nutrients. It also regulates blood pressure, and maintains our body's temperature.

Are you familiar with the expressions, "I feel sluggish today", or "my head feels heavy"? These symptoms could indicate liver problems.

You may notice symptoms such as dark urine, yellowing skin and fatigue. These are not all the warning signs. If you experience any of them, make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

The liver is an important organ. It is an important organ that plays a vital role in detoxification.

  1. The average adult liver weighs 1,400g.
  2. The size of a baby's liver at birth is approximately half that of an adult. It becomes about four times more large by the age of three than an infant's liver.
  3. The liver can be found just below the rib cage, on the left side.
  4. The liver has 16 main lobes, with many smaller lobules within the lobes.
  5. Red blood cells make up approximately 10 million of the liver's total.

Is there a Hollywood blacklist of actors?

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

But the list isn't made public. The names are not known to us. But here's why it matters.

The secretive nature of the information is due to the fact that actors and directors on blacklist won't be in a position to find work. So they'd go out of business, which means that the studios would lose money. It would mean they would reduce their expenditure on movies. The blacklisted filmmakers would have fewer chances. This could lead to them going bankrupt.

This could lead to more victims.

A contract may be required to agree to not speak against employers if someone attempts to make an Oscar winning movie. Producers and directors who want to be nominated are subject to the same restrictions.

Producers often pressure directors to cut scenes from their films. Directors may threaten to quit projects that don’t align with their vision.

This is why there is a Hollywood blacklist. If you speak negatively about your employer, you will likely be fired. This is not good news for anyone.

Problem is, many people have been falsely charged. They've had the toil to clear their name.

We must stop this from happening again. Everyone should have the right to speak freely.

So we need to take down the Hollywood blacklist.


  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • According to a 2018 study published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, this is because blood pressure is regulated by our innate circadian rhythm and internal clock. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)

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Declassified secrets of the United States

The United States can offer a land of opportunity in which anyone can find success. There are many secrets that have been kept under wraps for years and could make a big difference in how we live.

These secrets include:

  1. The US government holds more than 5 million secrets documents that have not been made public. These documents contain information regarding UFO sightings, alien lives forms, human cloning, assassination attempts, and even assassination of world leaders.
  2. In 1947, President Harry Truman authorized the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency. This agency was established to aid the president during wartime and keep America secure from foreign threats.
  3. The CIA used mind control experiments to manipulate American citizens without their consent. Project MKUltra, one of the most well-known examples, was an example.
  4. During World War II U.S. Military conducted thousands of tests on civilians. Some of these tests involved exposing soldiers to mustard gas and biological weapons.
  5. In 1992, the Pentagon acknowledged that it conducted germ warfare testing on Guantanamo Bay prisoners.
  6. The CIA has secretly built prisons across the globe where it kidnaps terror suspects and sends them to countries like Thailand, Poland, and Romania.
  7. The death squads used to murder political dissidents across Latin America were also funded by the CIA.
  8. The US Air Force continues to conduct chemical warfare tests in violation of multiple international treaties.
  9. The Department of Defense regularly violates its own rules about human experimentation using animals.
  10. While arresting protesters on the coast, the Coast Guard has repeatedly violated federal law.
  11. The Transportation Security Administration performs illegal searches at airports in the country.
  12. The CIA uses armed drones (or "assassination crews" to carry out targeted killings on battlefields not yet recognized by the United States.
  13. The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) oversees the CIA. However, OPA employees continue to write alternative media articles. These articles are then distributed among intelligence agencies or defense contractors. OPA writers claim national security forces have withheld the truth about aliens, UFOs, climate change and other sensitive subjects in order to keep the public from knowing.
  14. The US Air Force maintains files about nearly 7 million Americans it considers subversive.
  15. The US Army has employed undercover agents provocateurs to organize violent protests and race riots.
  16. The NSA collects phone logs and credit card information and then shares it with companies to sell advertising.
  17. Most people won’t know that the FBI has been stockpiling firearms and ammunition since the 1980s. The FBI currently has over 10,000,000 ammo and more than 1.5 billion gun rounds.
  18. Homeland Security department has created concentration camps where prisoners can be held, tortured, or killed. Members of Congress are prohibited from visiting these detention centers.
  19. The NSA is involved in domestic spying against journalists and activists. Their only crime is to criticize government officials or speak out against abuses.
  20. The NSA performs massive computer surveillance against innocent citizens, many completely unrelated to terrorism.
  21. The NSA monitors cell phones and emails of celebrities, foreign leaders, members of Congress, judges, and even President of the United States.
  22. The NSA tracks private individuals' movements and intercepts financial transactions.
  23. The NSA monitors all energy production facilities, and spying on stock markets and exchanges worldwide.
  24. Without obtaining search warrants the NSA hacks into computer networks, installing keystroke loggers and other software on computers.
  25. To disable enemy communications systems, the NSA uses cyber warfare techniques.
  26. The NSA monitors social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
  27. To propagandize propaganda, the NSA creates fake online identities in order to impersonate hackers.
  28. For personal data, the NSA penetrates message boards and chat rooms.
  29. To manipulate online discussion groups and forums, the NSA creates fictitious persons.
  30. The NSA makes homeless people install spyware on smart phones.

The Scariest Thing on the Planet