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Halloween Non-Scary Movies. Fun Facts About Halloween

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Halloween is a great time to dress up in fancy costumes, trick or treating, and eating candy. There are also some bizarre and strange traditions associated with Halloween.

Jack-o'lantern is one of Halloween's most beloved and loved traditions. These hollow pumpkins are easy to carve, and they also make great decorations. The pumpkin jacko lantern is not the only popular one. Pumpkin head and skull-shaped pumpkins are also very popular. Japan calls the jacks-o-lantern a mythical tree. In reality, Halloween is a time for friends and family to pay respects to their loved ones who have died.

This is a great chance to get acquainted with your neighbors, and to learn about the people in your neighborhood. This is especially true in urban settings. You can join over 6,000 people in a Halloween parade.

100 creepy facts

Some people also celebrate All Saints' Day on November 1st. This day remembers those who gave up their lives for their beliefs. It's a wonderful opportunity to share God's good news. In fact, dozens of Samarians were baptized after hearing the Gospel.

There are many harmless aspects to Halloween. The Halloween trick-or-treat is a great way get candy. Tricks are when you get out of your house and collect candy from strangers. This is why Halloween is so loved.

Celts are responsible for some of the most beloved Halloween traditions. The Celts lived in the area that is now Ireland and northern France. Halloween is thought to have originated in the Iron Age. The carved pumpkin has been around since the beginning of time, when the Celts celebrated the New Year. They also wore animal head costume.

Other than trick or treating, Halloween is also a great time to dress up as a ghost or wacky witch. The best part is that your costume doesn't have to be expensive. Getting dressed up in a costume can be fun, especially if you're into the horror genre.

hidden secret of the world

Halloween is also an opportunity to try your hand at some of the more challenging games. Participating in a Halloween parade is also an option. These are great activities, but Halloween is really about making friends and having fun.

Halloween is also a great time to have some fun and to learn more about your community. It is just one tradition that makes Halloween one of the most enjoyable holidays. There are a number of other Halloween-related activities, including decorating your house with jack-o-lanterns, e.g., pumpkins and ghosts. This is a great way for you to meet your neighbors, especially if it's an apartment or condo.

Halloween has become more than a holiday. It's no surprise that Halloween is one of America's most beloved holidays. There are so many things to do.


Is there a more mysterious place than the Earth itself?

Antarctica is the most mysterious continent on Earth.

Why is this place so amazing? Because it is unlike any other spot on Earth.

It is difficult to access because it is remote and extremely isolated. But there is more to this site than meets the eye.

This natural wonder is also home to some of the strangest wildlife species.

Let's find out how this mysterious destination became so famous.

Antarctica: The South Pole

Antarctica is named for no one. Others believe it means "land with ice". Others think it comes from Greek mythology.

In ancient Greece, Antarktis was the name given to the island where Zeus' twin brothers were born. According to one source, one of the twins was conceived in winter. Hence, the word antarctic.

Others believe that the name comes from the Greek words anti meaning against and tropos meaning to turn. This would signify land turned away the sun.

Whatever the reason Antarctica has always been a fascination for people.

It is the coldest, windiest, driest and highest continent. Because it is so cold, there aren't any trees, plants or animals.

This frozen wasteland is still alive.

About 90 percent of all living things on Earth live here. Here are approximately 50% of all the animal and plant species in the world.

What makes Antarctica so special? Here water freezes to ice and not evaporates into the atmosphere.

This results in large masses of ice floating above the ground.

These floating glaciers cover over 80%. And they're growing larger every year.

The Antarctic Ice Sheet has grown 60 feet in the past 60 years.

If the melting continues, sea level could rise up to 200ft. This could lead worldwide flooding.

Not everyone believes this is bad news. Global warming may be beneficial for some scientists. According to scientists, global warming could be good for us because the melting of the ice sheets will accelerate, which can lead to floods that release toxic chemicals into our soil and bodies.

Others warn that this theory sounds like something out of a science-fiction movie.

What is the most surprising fact about your body?

We have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, four limbs, a mouth, a nose, and a penis. We have over 50 parts of our bodies. However, one thing is missing. The heart.

A heart is the pump that circulates blood throughout a body. The blood moves through the veins. It transports oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It also removes carbon dioxide.

The heart pumps about 5 liters blood per minute. This amount is equivalent to an adult drinking 2-3 cups of coffee daily.

The heart pumps blood 24 hours a days, 365 days per year. While sleeping, your heart beats close to 100 times per minute.

Because of the color and texture of their skin, you can tell if someone is healthy or sick. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels visible on the skin's surface. These vessels carry blood back to the heart from the large blood vessels beneath the skin. If blood flow is blocked, skin can turn blue or purple.

People with sickle cells lack red blood cell. Their blood becomes sticky and hardens, causing them to become very ill.

To stop bleeding from a cut, you can apply a bandage to the wound. Blood must flow in order for the wound to heal properly. Doctors will insert a needle under the skin to access the vein near the injury. This allows blood drainage from the injury area.

Doctors can also insert catheters into the artery close to the area where the bloodclot has formed. This keeps the patient alive until the clot breaks up naturally.

Is there an Hollywood blacklist?

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

But the list isn't made public. We don't know the names. But here's why it matters.

The reason for the secrecy is that the blacklisted actors and directors wouldn't be able to find jobs. Thus, they would leave the industry and studios will lose money. Which means they'd cut back on spending money on movies. That would reduce the opportunities for blacklisted filmmakers. They could go bankrupt.

This could mean more victims.

If someone attempts to make an Oscar-winning movie, they may be asked to sign a contract stating that they will not speak out against their employers. This applies to any producer or director who wishes to be nominated.

This is why you'll hear about directors being pressured by producers to take scenes out of their films. Or how directors threaten to walk away from projects that don't fit their vision.

This is why there is a Hollywood blacklist. If you speak negatively about your employer, you will likely be fired. That's bad for everyone.

Problem is, many people have been falsely charged. They've had the toil to clear their name.

We need to stop this kind of thing before it starts happening again. Everybody should be able to freely express themselves.

Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the Hollywood blacklist.

Why do actors end up on the blacklist?

Actors are more likely to be rejected than writers. An actor will probably be rejected quite often. It doesn't matter, because you will eventually find someone you love.

Actors are typically very talented and can earn a living virtually anywhere. Most actors don't care about making money. Actors love to act and tell stories. You'll be an actor if you love acting.

It is possible to be told that you are not suitable for the role, or that you are too old or too young. You may also be rejected from a movie audition. It happens all too often.

Once you've been cast you might also be subject to criticism. People will tell you that you look terrible or shouldn't be wearing makeup. If you're lucky, you won't even hear negative comments.

Sometimes, you might be criticised for playing a role that isn’t authentic or realistic. Perhaps you're a gay man who everyone believes is straight. You could also play a woman with a tendency to cry a lot, even though she's supposed to be tough.

Sometimes they might ask you to change how you speak. Sometimes they ask you to sound like a guy or a girl. They want you to sound better most of the time.

The best way to deal with these criticisms is to ignore them. Actors often feel that they've failed if they are told they did something wrong. But they're not guilty of anything.

They were not born with the talent that would make them famous. Sometimes, no matter what they do, they just don't fit the bill.

An actor can be blacklisted for many reasons. Some people don't like actors. Others think actors can be lazy. Others believe actors cheat.

Whatever the reason, it's important to realize that you will not get blacklisted if you keep trying. There are plenty of roles out there, and you'll find them.

You will eventually succeed if you keep trying.


  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)
  • You spend about 10% of your time awake blinking (romper.com)
  • In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year, which is insane when you think about it. (romper.com)

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Hollywood Actors and Actresses with PhDs

Many famous people had PhDs including Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, Oprah winfrey, Michael Jordan and Barack Obama. Nikola Tesla, Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton are some of the most famous scientists. Linus Pauling is another.

Some celebrities, such as actor Tom Hanks and singer Barbra Strreisand, had Ph.D. degrees.

All of these celebrities received their doctorates from universities around the globe. Many of these celebrities became successful business leaders and entrepreneurs after earning their PhDs.

Some of the other well-known actors and actresses who have PhDs include:

  1. Actor David Schwimmer holds a Columbia University Business School MBA. He was also a graduate of NYU's Tisch school of the arts.
  2. Jennifer Aniston, an actor, graduated from Dartmouth College after receiving her Bachelor of Science degree. She later received her Master's Degree in Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management from Harvard University.
  3. Julia Roberts was a Yale University Biology student before she received her Masters of Public Administration (Georgetown University) as an actor.
  4. Actor Edward Norton graduated Brown University from Brown University with a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts. He went on to earn his Doctorate from Stanford University in Molecular Biophysics, and Biochemistry.
  5. Maggie Gyllenhaal is an actor. She graduated from Barnard College, where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. Columbia University granted her her Master of Social Work.
  6. Sarah Jessica Parker, actress was awarded a Bachelor of Arts in psychology at Wellesley College. Columbia University awarded her a master's degree in clinical psychology.
  7. Sandra Bullock, Actress, obtained her Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of California Berkeley. She continued on to UCLA for her Masters of Education.
  8. Reese Witherspoon graduated from Tulane University with a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science). After that, she earned her Master of International Affairs at Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
  9. Actress Michelle Williams graduated from Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She then received her Master of Arts degree as a Psychology Specialist from Boston University.
  10. Actress Shailene Woodley graduated from Brigham Young University-Hawaii with her Bachelor of Arts. After graduating from Brigham Young University-Hawaii, she went on to San Francisco State University for her Master of Environmental Studies.
  11. Will Smith, actor, graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Howard University. The Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University gave him his Master of Business Administration.
  12. Queen Latifah, an actress, graduated from Michigan State University in nursing with a Bachelor's of Science. From there, she received her Master of Public Hospital from the University of North Carolina.
  13. Amy Adams, an actress graduated from Juilliard School after receiving her Bachelor of Music degree. She earned her Master of Music degree from the Manhattan School of Music.
  14. Actress Halle Berry graduated from the American Conservatory Theater with her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Carnegie Mellon University awarded her a Master of Fine Arts in Acting.
  15. Brittany Murphy, an actress, graduated from Santa Monica High School in Theatre Arts with a Bachelor of Arts degree. After that, she received her Masters of Fine Arts Acting at the New York Film Academy.

Halloween Non-Scary Movies. Fun Facts About Halloween