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When was Bill Clinton president?

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Bill Clinton made important contributions to American international policy during his two terms at the presidency of the United States. Although his tenure was plagued by several scandals, his administration had significant international successes.

Bill Clinton worked in the late 1970s for Senator Fulbright. Fulbright was an opposition leader to the Vietnam War. In order to study international affairs, he enrolled at Georgetown School of Foreign Service. In 1986, he became the chairman of the National Governors Association. He lobbied for NATO's inclusion of Hungary and Poland during this period. He was invited by Yitzhak Rabin to Washington and invited Yasser Avafat to the White House Rose Garden.

Clinton's first term was marked by many successes, including the ratification and implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. He signed the Family and Medical Leave Act and Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. He supported the Dayton Accords of Bosnia which ended the fighting. Clinton also appointed several women to key government positions, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to the United States Supreme Court.

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Bill Clinton experienced many international crises while serving his first term. A number of foreign policy issues were created by the fall of the Soviet Union. Clinton's approach to international policy was to preserve basic rights, protect civil right, and encourage the United States to be a leader in democracy promotion.

The United States was faced with a variety of international problems in the 1990s. Clinton's approach to these conflicts was referred to as the "doctrine of enlargement." This doctrine embraced free trade, international alliances, and the United States' commitment to intervene in crisis situations. These policies did little to help the United States preserve its national security. In fact, the Clinton administration was accused in a series of questionable pardons.

In the 1990s, the United Nations weapons inspectors failed to identify the cause of a bombing attack on a federal building in Oklahoma City. Bill Clinton directed a four-day bombing operation in December 1998. The United Nations weapons inspectors failed to cooperate with the Iraqi government, which led to the four-day bombing campaign. Clinton's policies also allowed NATO to bomb Serbian positions inside Bosnia.

Bush used a new term to describe Belarus following the 2001 election of Lukashenka as Belarus president. Bush called Lukashenka the "last European dictator" while Bill Clinton described Belarus to be "a democracy that is emerging."

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Clinton's policies were designed to prevent the United States from depleting national resources. Clinton also tried to raise national profile through centrist rhetoric. In his first term, the country experienced unprecedented economic prosperity. He also maintained low unemployment rates during his tenure.

Although he was impeached by the Senate in 1998, his job approval ratings remained high. This was despite Clinton's involvement in a scandal which led to Bill Clinton being impeached. He was also accused of perjury in the Lewinsky affair. The Senate acquitted him in 1999. Clinton was not only an international affairs specialist, but also established the Clinton Foundation. The foundation supported global initiatives such as increasing access to HIV/AIDS medication, and climate change research.

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Which is the most mysterious spot on Earth?

Antarctica is considered the most mysterious area on Earth.

This is why we find it so captivating. It is unlike any other place on Earth.

It is remote and difficult to reach. This site has more to it than meets your eye.

You will also find some of the oddest wildlife species in this natural wonder.

Let's look at how this extraordinary destination became so mysterious.

Antarctica: The South Pole

Antarctica is named for no one. Some believe it refers to "land of ice". Others think it comes from Greek mythology.

In ancient Greece, Antarktis was the name given to the island where Zeus' twin brothers were born. One of the twins was said to have been born in winter. Therefore, the name antarctic.

Others think the name came from the Greek words anti, meaning against, and tropos meaning turn. This would mean that the land was turned away by the sun.

Whatever the reason, Antarctica has always held a special fascination for people.

It is the driest, windiest of all continents. There are no trees, plants, or animals here because it is too cold.

Yet, the frozen desert is alive with life.

About 90 percent of all living things on Earth live here. You can find approximately half the world's species of animal and plant plants here.

What is it that makes Antarctica so unique? Here, water is frozen into ice rather than vaporizing into the air.

This causes large amounts of ice to float above ground.

These floating glaciers make up 80%. These glaciers are getting larger each year.

The Antarctic Ice Sheet has grown 60 feet in the past 60 years.

If the melting continues, the sea level will rise by up to 200 feet. It could result in massive flooding all over the world.

Not everyone believes this is bad news. Some scientists claim that global warming could be good for us. They say that as temperatures rise, the ice sheets might melt faster, causing floods that flush out tons of toxic chemicals from our soil and bodies.

Others warn that this theory sounds like something out of a science-fiction movie.

What is one of the most amazing facts about the human body

We have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, four limbs, a mouth, a nose, and a penis. Yes, more than 50 parts to our bodies. But one thing is missing. A heart.

The heart is a pump which circulates blood throughout the body. Blood travels through the arteries and veins, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removing carbon dioxide and waste products.

The heart pumps out about 5 liters per minute. This is equivalent to an adult consuming 2-3 cups of coffee per day.

The heart pumps blood 24 hours a days, 365 days per year. While sleeping, your heart beats close to 100 times per minute.

Color of your skin is a good indicator of whether someone is healthy. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels visible on the skin's surface. These small vessels carry blood away from the large blood vessels in the skin back to the heart. The skin turns blue or violet when blood flow becomes blocked.

People suffering from sickle cell disease have no red blood cells. They become very sick when their blood becomes hardened and sticky.

To stop bleeding from a cut, you can apply a bandage to the wound. For the wound to heal properly, blood must continue to flow. To do this, doctors will insert a needle through your skin into the vein adjacent to the injury. This allows the blood from the injured area to drain.

Doctors also insert tubes (catheters) into the artery near the site where the blood clot forms. This keeps patients alive until the clot has broken up naturally.

Have you ever wondered how much trash is produced worldwide each day?

According to the United Nations there are more than 25 billion tons of garbage produced each year.

Most of this trash ends up in landfill dumps or incinerators.But what happens when those dumpsters get full? It goes to the United States, where most of it is exported. The rest is dumped abroad, where it pollutes other ecosystems. Now, we know the exact location of all this garbage. Mike Sexton is his nickname. He owns a company called Waste Watchers. He spends his time watching trucks hauling trash around North America. He then reports back to us on what happens next.

Sexton says he finds his job very satisfying. "We've got a lot of fun," he told CNN. "You know, we see these big rigs come through town, and we'll follow them. "Sexton began following truckers almost 20 year ago.

"It's all I felt," he stated.

His favorite story is about a driver that pulled into an abandoned gas station just outside Los Angeles. Sexton remembered, "The man was looking for somewhere to put the load." "He drove down the road to see this building. He pulled over and went in. "There were two huge roll-off containers there filled with stuff. The man got everything out of the truck and began filling it up again. "Then he took out everything and began to fill up the truck. There were lots of old tires, rags furniture, mattresses, mattresses, cans, cans, and other items. "It was a complete mess. But it had been cleaned before he arrived. There was not a single piece of trash.

What is the explanation? It's because this area used to be a recycle center. People would drive from all over the country to recycle their trash. Sexton explained, "They would bring their household goods and take them here," and they would then empty the containers.

This could happen hundreds of time per week. This can happen hundreds of times a week.Eventually, the truck becomes so overloaded with junk that it stops running. The owner finally decides to stop using the truck.

However, trash is not the only problem on our planet.

Most of these particles are made up of tiny pieces of plastic.Some of these plastics end up in landfills or incinerators. Others get washed into rivers or oceans.And when they reach the ocean, they often end up in the stomachs of fish.

Experts say if nothing changes, we could soon face a global food shortage. "If we keep going like we're going, we're not going to make it," one expert warned.But even though scientists agree that the world is headed toward disaster, most people don't seem worried.

Here are 5 fascinating facts about the liver

The liver is responsible for breaking down toxins and storing vitamins and minerals. It also regulates blood pressure, and maintains our body's temperature.

How often do we hear someone say, 'I feel sluggish today' or 'my head feels heavy'? These symptoms could indicate problems with your liver.

Some common signs include dark urine, yellowing skin, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, jaundice (yellow coloration), and itching. These are not all the warning signs. These are not the only warning signs. Make an appointment immediately with your doctor if they occur.

The liver is an important organ. It is responsible for detoxification as well digestion, metabolism and immunity.

  1. The average adult human liver weighs approximately 1,400 grams.
  2. A baby's liver is about half the size of an adult's at birth. It becomes about four times more large by the age of three than an infant's liver.
  3. The liver is located on the left side, just below your rib cage.
  4. The liver is divided into 16 major lobes. However, there are many smaller lobules that are within these lobes.
  5. Red blood cells make up approximately 10 million of the liver's total.


  • You spend about 10% of your time awake blinking (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)
  • According to a 2018 study published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine, this is because blood pressure is regulated by our innate circadian rhythm and internal clock. (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • In fact, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you make 15 to 30 gallons of tears each year, which is insane when you think about it. (romper.com)

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Hollywood scandals that shocked the globe

There's nothing more shocking than watching someone become famous for the wrong reasons. There's nothing more shocking than watching someone fall from grace.

It's amazing to see how the industry responds to their mistakes. Many celebrities have used alcohol and drugs in excess. Some even died young because of it.

But, the worst part? When those stars openly discuss their issues and are ignored by everyone. We found ourselves in that situation last week.

Heath Ledger died after a long, successful career. He died after succumbing to prescription drugs.

His family and close friends had difficulty accepting his death. The media took to him publically.

Heath was once considered to be one of today's most talented actors. His performances in Brokeback Mountain earned Heath two Academy Award nominations.

Heath not only acted, but also wrote and directed films including A Knight's Tale. Monster's Ball. Iron Man.

Hollywood loved Heath, but he became too big for his britches. He began using drugs and drinking heavily. He was eventually able to get clean and went to rehab.

After he had gotten sober, he decided to make amends. He made a documentary called "Room 237," that chronicled the making and release of The Shining. It was supposed that it would be released this year but it won't make its debut in theaters until next.

Every time Heath tried to get back into Hollywood, something happened. In fact, Heath was twice arrested on drug charges.

While we aren't saying Heath shouldn't have been allowed back in the show business, However, it would have been nice if he could have gotten some help before things spiraled out of control.

We hope Heath’s story serves as a cautionary tale for others who think they might still be able to have it all.

When was Bill Clinton president?