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Presidential Documentaries

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Ken Burns

Ken Burns is instantly recognisable. His work has been viewed millions of times and he has won more documentary filmmaker awards than anyone else. The Civil War attracted the most viewers and garnered more than 40 nominations. The Civil War photographer Shelby Foote became a celebrity thanks to it. Ken Burns' unique style has helped expand the history programming market.

Burns' approach is not unique to the presidential document. He's been making two films per year for the past 30 years, and this year he plans to release a third. He is releasing a film that will span six hours and consist of three parts about the U.S.’s role in the Holocaust. The film's title isn't yet set, but it will examine the question of how Americans knew about Holocaust and extermination.

Burns' films cover the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. He has chronicled the lives of prominent Americans, including Frank Lloyd Wright, Susan B. Anthony, and Abraham Lincoln. His documentaries were nominated in fifteen Emmy Awards along with two Academy Awards. His films are a cultural and educational force that has attracted millions of viewers.

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Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson was an intellectually advanced, pacifist, progressive president who led America's rise into a global leader. Unfortunately, his presidency was characterized by a series of controversial decisions, including his reluctance to advance civil rights and his poor physical stamina. This Woodrow Wilson presidential documentary explores all aspects of Wilson's life.

Wilson has only just recovered from a stroke as the first volume begins. He struggles with international and domestic issues, but his primary goal is to convince the Senate to approve the Treaty of Versailles. The volume opens on Christmas Eve in 1920, the final days of Wilson's Wilson presidency. Wilson and his advisers fail in their efforts to devise an effective program. The administration is now on the brink of disaster. The final meeting of the cabinet is scheduled for March 1. Wilson finds himself in an impossible situation after the German new government refuses not to speak.

These documentaries were created by a team of historians, including Dr. Asantewa Boakyewa, supervisory program manager at the Smithsonian's Anacostia Community Museum and former curator of the President Wilson House Museum. Woodrow Wilson Presidential Documentaries also include Dr. John Milton Cooper who is the author of Woodrow Wilson. He is also professor emeritus of University of Wisconsin Madison. Boakyewa was also interviewed. Dr. Sidney Bland is the author of Lucy Burns.

Robert Reiner

Robert Reiner has been relegated to Hollywood liberalism, but he's lost the ability to direct mainstream entertainment. His last film, The American President, shows that he is not a filmmaker but a rider operator. Reiner plays John Walcott in Shock and Awe. Two reporters expose the Bush administration's lies, and show how the press misrepresented the official story. The film captures the tragic history of the war and also shows the humor of journalists and the pride of Bush cabinet members.

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The Story of Us is similar in tone to The American President. The ending of The Story of Us contradicts the film's premise, and it exists only to give Michelle Pfeiffer a moment of heroism. Reiner's inability to recognize his feminist instincts is evident and he has to accept casual sexism. But while his approach to documentary filmmaking is not particularly sexy, it's clear that Reiner can soar when presented with more superior material.

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What are 5 interesting facts about the liver?

The liver is responsible both for breaking down toxins as well as storing vitamins, minerals. It also regulates blood pressure, and maintains our body's temperature.

We hear it all the time: "I feel sluggish today" or "my head feels heavy". These symptoms could indicate liver problems.

Itching, dark urine and yellowing skin are all common symptoms. These are not all the warning signs. If you feel any of these warning signs, consult your doctor immediately.

The liver, an essential organ, is vital. It is responsible for detoxification as well digestion, metabolism and immunity.

  1. The average adult liver weights about 1,400g.
  2. At birth, the liver of a baby can be half as big as an adult's. By age three, it is about four times larger than that of an infant.
  3. The liver can be found just below the rib cage, on the left side.
  4. There are 16 major lobes of the liver. But there are also many smaller ones.
  5. About 10 million red blood cells are found in the liver.

Why do actors get blacklisted in the first place?

When you're an actor, there's more rejection than when you're a writer. If you're an actor, you'll probably get rejected a lot. It doesn't matter if you get rejected a lot because eventually you'll meet someone you love.

Actors are typically very talented and can earn a living virtually anywhere. Most actors don't care about making money. Actors love acting, and love telling stories. It's likely that you will be acting if your passion is acting.

Sometimes you may be told by the audition panel that you are too young, too old, or wrong for the role. Or you might audition for a movie and lose out to another person. It happens all the times.

Once you've been cast you might also be subject to criticism. People may tell you that your makeup looks terrible and you shouldn't use it. If you're lucky, you won't even hear negative comments.

Sometimes, you might be criticised for playing a role that isn’t authentic or realistic. Perhaps you're a gay man who everyone believes is straight. Maybe you are a woman who is tough but cries often.

Maybe you are asked to change your vocal chords. Sometimes, they want you to sound more like a man or a woman. Most of the time, however, they want to hear better.

These criticisms should be ignored. Actors often feel that they've failed if they are told they did something wrong. The truth is they haven’t done anything wrong.

They weren't born with a talent that made them famous. They don't always fit the bill, no matter how hard they try.

Blacklisting can happen for many reasons. Some people don't like actors. Others believe actors are lazy. Others believe actors cheat.

Whatever your reason, it doesn't matter. You won't get blacklisted for trying. There are many opportunities for you to find your role.

As long as you keep trying, you'll eventually succeed.

What are some dark secrets in Hollywood?

Hollywood is full of secret societies. Many secret societies are cult-like and follow rigid rules. Others are just clubs for people with common interests.

Some of the most powerful organizations in the industry are even more dangerous. Companies such as the MPAA, which determines film ratings, or the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), that set music licensing fees, are examples of these.

Numerous unions/guilds also represent actors and directors as well as writers, producers, and so forth. These large corporations control the majority of major film studios and television networks.

The fact is that regardless of how secretive any group may be, someone somewhere knows exactly who they are. But that doesn't mean we should fear them.

Instead, embrace them. Because they help us make better choices.

They also tell us about the movies that are most likely to succeed and which songs are most popular.

They help us make decisions about what we will buy, watch, listen to, or read.

We can trust them and can disregard their advice if it is not in line with our preferences.

Because we have chosen to ignore their power, they are even more powerful. They are the ultimate arbiters and judges of taste.

They can be ignored if you don’t like what they have to say.

Now let's take a look at some lesser-known yet very real Hollywood secret society.

You'll see why they are so important.

What is one of the most amazing facts about the human body

Two eyes, two ears and two nostrils are part of our bodies. We also have four limbs: a mouth, nose, penis, and four limbs. It's true, we have more 50 parts of our body, but there is one thing missing. A heart.

A heart is the pump that circulates blood throughout a body. The blood travels through the veins and arteries, transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells. It also removes carbon dioxide.

The heart pumps out approximately 5 liters of blood per minute. This amount is equivalent to an adult drinking 2-3 cups of coffee daily.

The blood flows throughout the heart 24/7, 365 days a calendar. When you're asleep, your heart beats approximately 100 times per hour.

You can tell whether someone is healthy or unhealthy because of the color of their skin. You can see tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, when you look closely at the skin. These tiny vessels transport blood from the larger blood vessels to the heart. The skin becomes blue-colored or purple when blood flow is restricted.

Red blood cells are missing in people with sickle-cell disease. Their blood becomes extremely sticky and hardened, which can lead to very serious illnesses.

Bandages are used to stop bleeding after you have cut yourself. Blood must flow in order for the wound to heal properly. Doctors insert a needle into the injured area through the skin. This allows the blood from the injured area to drain.

Doctors can also insert catheters into the artery close to the area where the bloodclot has formed. This helps to keep the patient alive until the blood clot disintegrates naturally.


  • In one 2014 study published in the Archives of Medical Science that sought to study the prevalence of these mites, research showed that 41% of the people had them hanging out in their eyelashes. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)

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Hollywood scandals that stunned the entire world

There is nothing more shocking than witnessing someone get famous for the wrong reasons. But there's also nothing worse than seeing them fall from grace.

The best thing about watching how an industry reacts when it makes mistakes is the best part. We've all heard about celebrities who took too much alcohol and drugs. Some even died young because of it.

The worst thing is when these stars are made public about their problems and shunned. We found ourselves in that situation last week.

Heath Ledger, after a long and successful professional career, finally gave in to his demons. He died after succumbing to prescription drugs.

His family and friends struggled to accept his passing, and the media had a field day bashing him publicly.

Heath was once one of the most gifted actors currently working. He was nominated for two Academy Awards for his performance in Brokeback Mountain.

Heath was not only an actor, but also directed and wrote films like A Knight's Tale and Monster's Ball.

Hollywood loved Heath, but he became too big for his britches. He became addicted to drugs and drank heavily. He ended up in rehab and became clean.

After he had gotten sober, he decided to make amends. He created a documentary called Room 237, which documented the making of The Shining. The film was originally supposed to be released in this year's theaters, but it will not make its way into the cinemas until next year.

Every time Heath tried to get back into Hollywood, something happened. In fact, he was arrested twice on drug charges.

While we aren't saying Heath shouldn't have been allowed back in the show business, But it would have been nice to get some help before things spiralled out of control.

We hope Heath’s tale will be a wakeup call to anyone who may believe that they can still have all.

Presidential Documentaries