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If you love 'Cute Nopes', then you've probably noticed their Facebook page. This page features hundreds of cute pictures and celebrates animals that are often overlooked. To learn more about these animals, check out Nancy Lawson's interview.


Bored Panda nope merchandise features original artwork from independent artists. Each piece of artwork is printed on high quality merchandise in socially-responsible ways. Every purchase directly supports the artist. This is a great way to support your favorite artists. Bored Panda Nope has a variety of merchandise, including t-shirts and sweatshirts.

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Which is the most mysterious spot on Earth?

Antarctica is home to the most mysterious and remote place on Earth.

Why is this place so amazing? Because it is unlike any place on Earth.

It is very remote and isolated. However, there's more to this location than meets the eye.

This natural wonder is also home to some of the strangest wildlife species.

Let's find out how this mysterious destination became so famous.

Antarctica: The South Pole

No one knows exactly why Antarctica was named Antarctica. Some believe it is "land of the ice". Others believe it comes out of Greek mythology.

Antarktis in ancient Greece was the name given the island where Zeus' twin brother brothers were born. According to one source, one of the twins was conceived in winter. Thus, the term antarctic.

Others believe the name was derived from the Greek words tropos, which means turn, and anti, meaning against. This would be land turned away form the sun.

Whatever the reason, Antarctica has always held a special fascination for people.

It is the continent with the lowest, windiest and highest temperatures. Because it is so cold, there aren't any trees, plants or animals.

This frozen wasteland is still alive.

It is home to approximately 90 percent of all life on Earth. There are about 50% of the world's animal, plant and plant species.

What is Antarctica? Here, water freezes in ice rather that vaporizing into the atmosphere.

This creates large masses of ice that float above the ground.

These glaciers cover more than 80% of the continent. They are growing in size every year.

So far, the Antarctic ice sheet has grown 60 feet since 1960.

The sea level could rise to 200 feet if the melting continues. This could lead to massive flooding across the globe.

Not everyone believes this is bad news. Some scientists believe that global warming can be beneficial. They believe that global warming will lead to melting ice sheets faster and floods that can flush toxic chemicals out of our soils and bodies.

Others cautioned that this theory sounds too science fiction.

Ever wonder how much trash gets produced each day around the world?

According to the United Nations, the average person produces over 2.5 pounds of daily waste.That adds up to over 25 billion pounds of garbage per year!

Most of this rubbish ends up in landfills or incinerators. But, what happens when those dumpsters fill up? It goes to the United States, where most of it is exported. The rest is dumped abroad, where it pollutes other ecosystems. Now, we know the exact location of all this garbage. Mike Sexton is his full name. He runs Waste Watchers, a company that monitors the movements of trucks carrying trash all across North America. He then gives us a report on what happens next.

Sexton said he enjoys his job. CNN's Sexton said, "We have a lot to enjoy." "We often see large rigs passing through our town and we will follow them. "Sexton began following truck drivers almost 20 years ago.

He stated, "I just fell in Love with It."

He loved the story of the driver who pulled into an abandoned gas station near Los Angeles. Sexton described, "The guy was looking somewhere to put his load." "He drove down the road to see this building. He backed up and entered the building. "There were two large roll-off containers full of stuff. The man got everything out of the truck and began filling it up again. He then looked around and decided to load everything. There were old tires and rags, furniture pieces, mattresses, mattresses and boxes. It was a complete mess. But it had been cleaned out before he came along. There was no trash."

This is the reason why it happened. This particular spot used to be a recycling center. People would drive there to recycle their trash. Sexton explained, "They would bring their household goods and take them here," and they would then empty the containers.

This can happen hundreds of times a week. This can happen hundreds of times a week.Eventually, the truck becomes so overloaded with junk that it stops running. The owner eventually abandons the vehicle.

Trash isn’t the only problem we face on the planet.

These tiny plastic particles make up the majority of the particles. Some end up in incinerators or landfills. Others get washed into rivers or oceans.And when they reach the ocean, they often end up in the stomachs of fish.

Experts warn of a possible global food crisis if nothing is done. "If we keep going like we're going, we're not going to make it," one expert warned.But even though scientists agree that the world is headed toward disaster, most people don't seem worried.

Is there a Hollywood blacklist of actors?

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

The list is not made public. The names are not known to us. It matters because of this.

The secretive nature of the information is due to the fact that actors and directors on blacklist won't be in a position to find work. The studios would be out of business as they lose money. This would mean that they would cut back on movie production. Which would mean fewer opportunities for the blacklisted filmmakers. They could go bankrupt.

This could result in even more victims.

When someone tries making an Oscar winning movie they might be asked for a contract. This means that they can't publicly criticize their employer. Producers and directors who want to be nominated are subject to the same restrictions.

Producers often pressure directors to cut scenes from their films. Directors might threaten to leave projects that don't reflect their vision.

This is the reason there is a Hollywood blacklist. Negative comments about your employer will most likely lead to you being unemployed. It's not good for anyone.

Many people have been wrongly accused. And they've had to fight to clear their name.

We need to stop this kind of thing before it starts happening again. We need to ensure everyone has the right of expression.

Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the Hollywood blacklist.

These are five interesting facts about livers

The liver is responsible both for breaking down toxins as well as storing vitamins, minerals. It also helps regulate blood pressure and keeps our body temperature stable.

We hear it all the time: "I feel sluggish today" or "my head feels heavy". These symptoms could be signs of liver problems.

Common signs include yellowing skin, dark urine, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, stomach cramps (yellow coloration), itching, and jaundice (yellow colouration). These are not all the warning signs. These are not the only warning signs. Make an appointment immediately with your doctor if they occur.

The liver is a vital organ. It is an important organ that plays a vital role in detoxification.

  1. An adult liver weighs around 1,400 grams.
  2. At birth, a baby's liver is half the size of an adult. By age three, it is about four times larger than that of an infant.
  3. The liver can be found on the left side of your abdomen, just below the lower rib cage.
  4. There are 16 major liver lobes. However there are many smaller, more intimate lobules.
  5. The liver is home to approximately 10 million red blood cell units.


  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)

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Hollywood scandals that stunned the entire world

There's nothing more shocking than watching someone become famous for the wrong reasons. It's even more frightening to see them fall from grace.

It's fascinating to see how industries react to their mistakes. Many celebrities have used alcohol and drugs in excess. Some even died young because of it.

The worst part about this is that these same stars come out with their problems and are ridiculed by everyone. We found ourselves in that situation last week.

Heath Ledger, after a long and successful professional career, finally gave in to his demons. He succumbed after taking too many prescription medications. After a brief struggle with death, he died.

His family and friends were unable to accept his death, and the media was quick to criticize him.

Heath was once considered one of the most talented actors working today. His performance in Brokeback Mountain earned him two Academy Awards nominations.

Heath not only acted, but also wrote and directed films including A Knight's Tale. Monster's Ball. Iron Man.

Hollywood loved Heath. But he was too big for his boots. He became addicted to drugs and drank heavily. He was eventually able to get clean and went to rehab.

Now that he was sober, it was time to make amends. He made a documentary called "Room 237," that chronicled the making and release of The Shining. The film was originally supposed to be released in this year's theaters, but it will not make its way into the cinemas until next year.

Heath tried many times to get back into Hollywood. Nothing worked. In fact, he was actually twice arrested for drug-related charges.

While we aren't saying Heath shouldn't have been allowed back in the show business, However, it would be nice if he could get some help before things spiral out of control.

We hope Heath's story warns others who might think they can still have it all.

Bored Panda Nope merchandise