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The Secret of Mona Lisa

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The Secret of Mona Lisa is an interesting book that blends science and the history of one of most well-known paintings in the world. It claims to unveil the secrets of Mona Lisa's origins and offers a unique look into Leonardo da Vinci's creative process. The book includes forty sectional images with super-magnified resolution.

Mona Lisa may have been identified in many ways. Some say the painting was a selfportrait. Some claim it shows a noblewoman. The painting is a landmark in the art world despite the doubts.

The Mona Lisa painting has been on public display for more than a century. It's still a mystery. Most historians believe it was created in the early 1520s. Some evidence does suggest that it could have existed earlier. Mona Lisa's drawing was found in Madrid's Prado Museum. It is possible that this drawing was used to make other copies of the work.

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Pascal Cotte (a French scientist engineer) has completed an extensive investigation into the painting. He discovered many secrets about the history and origins of this masterpiece. His study includes a four-meter high, infrared view of the painting. Cotte also found spolvero marks on the hairline and face paint. These marks are common in depictions that depict goddesses. They are thought show that Leonardo changed the composition of the painting.

The findings have surprised many scientists. The findings suggest that there may be several versions of the painting. One version could be the original. Another version could be the current Louvre painting. Cotte's findings are supported by a 240-megapixel Multi-spectral Imaging Camera.

The camera is capable to see through centuries of varnish and reveal the underlying colours. It also uses 13 wavelengths to create a 240-megapixel image. Moreover, the analysis has identified a hairpin on the painting. According to the scientists, the hairpin was not fashionable in Florence at the time of the painting.

Furthermore, the painting has been known for its enigmatic smile. Experts believe it may be a subliminal message. The smile appears to shrink when the viewer is looking directly at the painting. However, the smile looks bigger when the viewer gazes at the painting distantly. A smiling woman is also said to follow the viewer.

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While Mona Lisa's identity is still a mystery, scientists from around the world have begun investigating the painting. One scientist even discovered a connection to the painting and geology. A portrait of the woman that commissioned the painting was also discovered, as well as a copy of it at Madrid's Prado museum and a sketch by a contemporary da Vinci.

You might be curious if you are a fan of the documentary what it has to say about Mona Lisa. Here's a brief summary: During the late 16th century, a renowned Italian writer named Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo declared that both Mona Lisa and Gioconda were two of Leonardo's most important works. Lomazzo was wrong to claim that these were two paintings. However, this was later confirmed.

An Article from the Archive - Almost got taken down


Here are 5 fascinating facts about the liver

The liver is responsible of breaking down toxins and storing nutrients. It regulates blood pressure and maintains a stable body temperature.

How often do we hear someone say, 'I feel sluggish today' or 'my head feels heavy'? These symptoms may be a sign of liver disease.

Itching, dark urine and yellowing skin are all common symptoms. These aren’t the only warning signs. If you experience any of them, make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

The liver plays a crucial role in our lives. It is an important organ that plays a vital role in detoxification.

  1. An adult liver weighs around 1,400 grams.
  2. A baby's liver is about half the size of an adult's at birth. It is four times larger by the time an infant turns three.
  3. The liver is located on the left side, just below your rib cage.
  4. The liver is divided into 16 major lobes. However, there are many smaller lobules that are within these lobes.
  5. The liver is home to approximately 10 million red blood cell units.

Ever wonder how much trash gets produced each day around the world?

The United Nations estimates that the average person generates more than 2.5 pounds of waste each day. This adds up to over 25 million pounds of garbage annually!

Most of this rubbish ends up in landfills or incinerators. But, what happens when those dumpsters fill up? The majority of this rubbish is sent out of the country. It then gets dumped in foreign countries, polluting their ecosystems. However, now we know where all that trash goes. Mike Sexton is his name. He runs Waste Watchers, a company that monitors the movements of trucks carrying trash all across North America. Then he reports back to us about what happens next.

Sexton claims he is very satisfied with his job. "We've got a lot of fun," he told CNN. "We often see large rigs passing through our town and we will follow them. "Sexton began following truck drivers almost 20 years ago.

He stated, "I just fell in Love with It."

Sexton loved the story about the driver who pulled over at an abandoned gas station close to Los Angeles. Sexton remembered, "The man was looking for somewhere to put the load." "He drove down the road and saw this building. So he pulled over and went inside. "There were 2 large containers that had been rolled off, and they were full of stuff. The man got everything out of the truck and began filling it up again. "Then, he took everything out and started filling up the truck again. There were tires, rags. furniture, mattresses. boxes, bottles, cans. "It was just an absolute mess. But it was cleaned out before he came. There was not a single piece of trash.

Why did this happen? This particular spot used to be a recycling center. People would drive there to recycle their trash. Sexton explained that they would bring household items and take them to the building. Then, after they were done, they would empty the containers.

This could happen hundreds of time per week. This could happen hundreds times per week. Finally, the truck stops running completely due to its excessive junk. The owner eventually decides to dump the truck.

But, this isn't the only problem that our planet is facing.

Plastic pieces make up most of these particles. Some end up in rivers and oceans, while others end up in fish's stomachs.

Experts warn of a possible global food crisis if nothing is done. "If we keep going like we're going, we're not going to make it," one expert warned.But even though scientists agree that the world is headed toward disaster, most people don't seem worried.

Is there a Hollywood blacklist.

There is a Hollywood blacklist.

The list isn’t available for public viewing. As far as we are aware, the names are not even known. But here's why it matters.

The reason for the secrecy is that the blacklisted actors and directors wouldn't be able to find jobs. So they'd go out of business, which means that the studios would lose money. They would also cut back on their spending on movies. The blacklisted filmmakers would have fewer chances. This could lead to them going bankrupt.

This could eventually lead to more victims.

A contract may be required to agree to not speak against employers if someone attempts to make an Oscar winning movie. The same goes for any director or producer who wants to get nominated for an award.

That's why you hear stories about how producers pressure directors to remove scenes from their films. Directors may threaten to quit projects that don’t align with their vision.

This is why there is a Hollywood blacklist. You'll likely become unemployed if you say bad things about your employer. It's not good for anyone.

It is not uncommon for people to be falsely accused. They've had the toil to clear their name.

This is unacceptable behavior and must be stopped. We need to ensure everyone has the right of expression.

So we need to take down the Hollywood blacklist.

What is one of the most amazing facts about the human body

We have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, four limbs, a mouth, a nose, and a penis. It's true, we have more 50 parts of our body, but there is one thing missing. A heart.

A heart is a pump that circulates blood throughout the body. The blood travels through the veins and arteries, transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells. It also removes carbon dioxide.

Each minute, the heart pumps approximately 5 liters. This is equivalent to a person drinking 2-3 cups coffee daily.

Blood flows throughout the heart 24 hours per day, 365 Days a Year. While you are sleeping, your heart beats about 100 times per second.

Color of your skin is a good indicator of whether someone is healthy. If you examine the skin closely, you will see tiny blood vessels called capillaries. These vessels carry blood away to the heart via the large blood vessels. The skin turns blue or violet when blood flow becomes blocked.

People suffering from sickle cell disease have no red blood cells. Patients with sickle cell disease have their blood become sticky and harden, leading to severe illness.

A bandage can be used to stop bleeding if you have cut your own skin. Blood must continue to flow to allow the wounds to heal properly. Doctors place a needle in the wound and insert it through the skin. This allows the blood from the injured area to drain.

Doctors also insert tubes (catheters) into the artery near the site where the blood clot forms. This keeps the patient alive until the clot breaks up naturally.


  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • Your mouth makes a lot of saliva every day It might seem like way too much, but your salivary glands typically produce anywhere from 0.5 and 1.5 liters a day, according to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medicine and Life. (romper.com)
  • In one 2014 study published in the Archives of Medical Science that sought to study the prevalence of these mites, research showed that 41% of the people had them hanging out in their eyelashes. (romper.com)

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Hollywood Actors With Dark Past

Many of us have heard about actors with dark pasts. We may never be able to find out for certain because we cannot go back in time and speak directly with them. It's possible to find out more about these actors' lives by not digging too deeply.

Internet is a wonderful tool for finding information on famous people. You will not only find fascinating facts, but you will also be able to learn about their lives.

Let's take, for example, the possibility that you are curious about Samuel L. Jackson’s childhood. If you type his name into Google, you'll probably come across a website called "SamuelLJacksonChildhood." This site contains pictures of him when he was young, articles about his upbringing, and even a biography.

Although it may seem tedious, this type of information can help you make connections with Samuel L. Jackson. You might be surprised to learn that Jackson grew up in a poor neighborhood but was able to overcome adversity and become a successful man.

Perhaps you feel inspired to overcome your challenges, or maybe you learn that Samuel L. Jackson is currently working on a movie about his life. Either way you will be able to make a deeper connection with Samuel L. Jackson by sharing your own experiences.

You can find many websites similar to this one online. These websites can be used to find out more about famous people. You may be surprised at what you uncover.

The Secret of Mona Lisa