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Scariest places on Earth

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There are many places in this world that are considered to have the highest level of terror, but there are others that are truly frightening. Many of these haunted places have horrendous histories and are haunted daily by ghosts of the dead. Others cause unusual physical sensations and sudden doom. No matter the cause, these places are to be avoided.

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Chicago is considered one of the most dangerous places on earth. The graveyard, which is small and desecrated, is believed to be haunted ghosts or other paranormal phenomena. Bachelor's Grove's most frequent paranormal sighting is a floating blue light orb that reacts to observers. This phenomenon has been linked with ghostly spirits, swamp gas, will-o the-wisps, and will-othe-wisps.

Hampton Lilybridge House

The haunted Hampton Lilybridge House in Savannah, Georgia is known as the "Horrible House". Built in 1796, it has been the location of numerous mysterious incidents. Local experts claim that this property is one of the most haunted places in Savannah. The house was also the site of a religious exorcism.

Port Arthur

Port Arthur was a penal colony and was a haunted place for convicts. Many stories of ghostly apparitions or unexplained encounters are common. More than a thousand people died. It is haunted by paranormal activity even today. Visitors can explore the cathedral's ruins and experience the haunting atmosphere in the darkened prison cellars.

creepy but true facts

Hoia-Baciu Forest

Hoia-Baciu Forest lies outside Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania. It is known for its haunting reputation. The spooky woods have been the scene of dozens of spooky tales and mysterious occurrences. Many nicknames have been given to the forest, including Romania's Bermuda Triangle or the most haunted forest in the world. Paranormal activity has been reported by thousands of people. Visitors can now experience the spooky woods, and participate in the spooky traditions associated.

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Why do actors get blacklisted in the first place?

When you're an actor, there's more rejection than when you're a writer. If you're an actor, you'll probably get rejected a lot. However, it doesn't really matter as you will eventually meet someone who is truly your love.

Actors are often very talented and can make a living anywhere. Actors don't really care about making money. Actors enjoy acting and telling stories. So if you're an actor, chances are you're going to put yourself out there.

Sometimes, auditions are cancelled because you are either too young or too old for the job. You might also lose your audition for a film role. It happens all the time.

But once you've been cast, you may also face criticism. You may be told that your makeup is too heavy or you are not worthy of wearing it. If you're lucky, you won't even hear negative comments.

Sometimes it's because you play a character that's not realistic or authentic. You could be a gay actor and everyone assumes you are straight. Or maybe you play a woman who is supposed to be tough, but she cries a lot.

Sometimes they might ask you to change how you speak. Sometimes, they want you to sound more like a man or a woman. They want you to sound better most of the time.

The best way to deal with these criticisms is to ignore them. Actors feel like they've failed when told they did wrong. But they're not guilty of anything.

They didn't have the talent to make them famous. They may not fit the bill sometimes, no mater how hard they try.

There are lots of reasons why an actor could get blacklisted. Some people don't like actors. Others think actors can be lazy. Others believe actors cheat.

No matter the reason, it is important to remember that you will not be blacklisted if there are other jobs available. There are plenty of jobs available and you'll find them.

You will eventually succeed if you keep trying.

Which is the most secretive city in the world?

It may surprise you to hear the answer. You might be uncomfortable with the truth of it, as it may challenge your perception of reality. However, there's a reason for this place to exist. It's not what we would expect.

It was called the City of God by ancient Greeks. In the Bible, it was known as the City of Destruction.

It is called Kashi (Kashmir in India). It is called Novgorod (Russia).

It is known as The Town That Disappeared in America.

A small community of 1200 people in western New York State vanished. There were no bodies, cars or houses left behind, but a road sign that pointed to the former location was all that was left.

The little village vanished, with no trace of its existence. Some believe the earth swallowed them up. Some claim it was destroyed by a meteorite impact. Others believe that aliens took it.

Regardless of what happened, residents of this once-thriving town are certain that their town won't be forgotten forever. They had just moved from one town to the other.

There is even a website dedicated to tracking the disappearance of the lost city of Zugspitz.

So, where exactly did this town go? It's in Switzerland, actually!

Zugspitze is situated on the border between Germany und Austria. Lake Zugspitze can be found just beyond the summit.

It's always fascinated me how so many towns disappear, yet others remain. Why does some vanish while others remain? I decided to investigate.

I was interested in learning more about these mysterious towns that are disappearing. What is the secret to a town's disappearance? What makes a place disappear?

There are many theories to explain the phenomenon of disappearing towns. One theory states that a town vanishes when all its buildings are destroyed. Another theory states that the town simply moves to another location. A third theory states that the town didn't exist at all.

Theories aside, the fact remains that dozens of towns around the globe have been swallowed up by the ground. This video examines the history and current status of these places.

What is the most interesting fact about the human body?

We have two eyes and two ears, two nostrils each, four limbs, four limbs and a penis. That's right, we have more than 50 parts of our bodies, but one thing is missing. A heart.

The heart is a pump which circulates blood throughout the body. The blood moves through the arteries and veins to transport oxygen and nutrients into the cells, and remove carbon dioxide.

The heart pumps out approximately 5 liters of blood per minute. This amount is equivalent to an adult drinking 2-3 cups of coffee daily.

Blood flows through the heart 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When you're asleep, your heart beats approximately 100 times per hour.

Skin color can be used to determine if someone has a medical condition. Looking closely at the skin's surface, you can see tiny blood vessels called capillaries. These vessels carry blood back to the heart from the large blood vessels beneath the skin. The skin becomes blue-colored or purple when blood flow is restricted.

People with sickle cell disease lack red blood cells. Their blood becomes extremely sticky and hardened, which can lead to very serious illnesses.

If you cut yourself, a bandage is applied to stop the bleeding. Blood must flow in order for the wound to heal properly. To do this, doctors will insert a needle through your skin into the vein adjacent to the injury. This allows blood drainage from the injury area.

The doctor may also insert catheters (catheters), into the artery at the site of the blood clot. This keeps the patient alive till the blood clot dissolves naturally.

How does the brain control the functions of your body?

The brain sends messages to other organs and muscles to ensure they work together. Everything in your body is controlled and managed by your brain. It tells you your stomach to digest food; your lungs to inhale air; and it tells you your arms and legs how to move.

Your brain is composed of billions and billions nerve cells, connected in groups called neurons. Action potentials are electrical signals that neurons send to one another. Each neuron has a cell membrane surrounding its nucleus. The cell membrane houses channels that allow ions, such as potassium and sodium, to enter and exit the cells. Ion movement creates the electric charge that causes the neuron to fire.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals released when a neuron fires. Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the second neuron, opening ion channels so ions can pass in and out of the channel. The second neuron also fires.

Neurotransmitter release occurs when the presynaptic neuron receives an impulse from another neuron. The impulse travels along an synapse between the neurons. The transmitter binds to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, triggering the firing of the postsynaptic neuron.

They are vital for the communication between nerve cells. They also coordinate activity between different brain parts.


  • You spend about 10% of your time awake blinking (romper.com)
  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)

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What's the scariest film you have ever seen?

You're likely to get 10 different answers if you ask people about the most frightening movies.

Some people love horror films. Some people enjoy sci-fi movies. And then some prefer comedies.

No matter your taste, there are some scary movies that everyone has seen.

These are ten great scary movies, ranging from the classic Halloween to the modern Paranormal Activity.

  1. "Cabin Folly" – "Cabin Folly" is one among the most frightening zombie movies. It portrays a virus that can cause humans to turn into zombies.
  2. "Thir13en Ghosts" - Based upon the true story of serial killer Jack the Ripper, "Thirteen Ghosts" features a group of teenagers possessed by ghosts.
  3. "Pulse" - This thriller tells the story of a man trapped in his apartment during a violent crime spree. He must use only the items from his house to fight off his attackers.
  4. "The Descent" - One of the first found footage horror movies, "The Descent" follows a group of strangers venturing underground for an adventure. However, everything goes horribly wrong as soon as they get there.
  5. "Get Out", a 2017 horror movie by Jordan Peele. "Get Out" depicts a young black photographer visiting his white girlfriend's family for the holidays. Dark secrets are revealed when he arrives at his destination.
  6. "Paranormal Activity", (2007) - "Paranormal Activity", was the first movie made from found footage. The movie featured a new spin of ghost stories, starring Katie Featherston.
  7. "Audition" in Japan - To stand before an audience and to be judged. This is exactly what happens when Kiyoko, a high school student, waits to find out if she will be a pop star.
  8. James Wan's "Saw Series" - After many years of low-budget horror films, he grew tired of trying to shock the public. Jigsaw was the result of his decision to stop making low-budget horrors.
  9. "Tales From the Crypt" - With each passing year, "Tales From the Crypt" becomes more and more horrifying. Hollywood has made many sequels that feature the crypt keeper terrorizing different cities across the US over the years.
  10. "Carrie" (1976). "Carrie", introduced viewers to Telekinesis, an amazing supernatural ability. Carrie White can simply think about moving objects.

Scariest places on Earth