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Cool Bug Facts

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Bugs are insects that belong to the class Insecta, in the group Hemiptera. Entomologists consider them true bugs. They are characterized by four legs, four legs, and hair. So, you know what they look like, but did you know they have other characteristics as well?

Insects make up invertebrates

Invertebrates can refer to insects as they have both living (and non-living) parts. Insects have segmented body parts and exoskeletons made from chitin. The body is divided into three main units: the head and thorax. These body segments are used by insects to extract nutrients from food. They use catabolic reaction to digest their food, which breaks down complex macromolecules in simple sugars and provides amino acids.

They are four-legged.

It's interesting to see that not all insects have the same number of legs as others. For example, the locusts have only four legs while butterflies have six. Jumping is done by insects using their front pairs.

creepy trivia

They have gills

Many people are familiar with the fact some insects have gills. Gills are essential for insects to be able to breathe. They can also be used to view the environment around them. Many insects have multiple eyes. But some species have compound eye that can contain hundreds of different visual units. For example, caterpillars have 12 sets eyes and 30,000 ommatidia.

They have hair

If you are interested in bugs, it is important to understand that their bodies have hair. Insects have the highest diversity of animals. This makes them a fascinating group to study. They play an important part in our environment, economy, and are fascinating to both humans as well as non-entomologists. Here are some interesting facts about insects, including what they eat and how they jump.

They produce methane

Methane is known to be a greenhouse chemical. It is released in the atmosphere by bugs such as termites. These bugs produce methane in the intestines of their animals, and they are responsible to about 5 percent worldwide emissions. Although methane naturally occurs in the atmosphere, humans produce 320 million tonnes of methane every year. The largest source of methane emissions comes from fossil fuel industries, including the production of natural gas.

They have ommatidia

Insects have compound eyes that are made up of seven to eleven visual units. They can be used to perform a variety different tasks. Some insects have more or less ommatidia. For example, the wingless-silverfish has fewer that 100 ommatidia while the dragonfly has around 30,000. The interesting thing about male insects is that they have more ommatidia then females. This makes them easily identifiable.

top 10 secrets of the world

They have some of the most bizarre body parts

One of the most diverse and varied groups of organisms on the planet is the insect family. They are not only important for the economies of many countries but also provide fascinating information to both humans and non-entomologists. Did you know, for instance, that grasshoppers have ears attached to their abdomens? A grasshopper's hind legs also have special organs that allow it to jump. The grasshopper can actually jump up to the length of a basketball court. And, in addition to their amazing body parts, they were the first creatures to make sound.

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Here are 5 fascinating facts about the liver

The liver is responsible both for breaking down toxins as well as storing vitamins, minerals. It helps to regulate blood pressure and keep our bodies temperature stable.

Is it not often that we hear people say "I feel sluggish today" and "my head feels heavier?" These symptoms could indicate problems with your liver.

Itching, dark urine and yellowing skin are all common symptoms. These aren’t the only warning signs. These are not the only warning signs. Make an appointment immediately with your doctor if they occur.

The liver is a vital organ. It is responsible for detoxification as well digestion, metabolism and immunity.

  1. The average adult liver weights about 1,400g.
  2. The liver of a baby is roughly half the size that of an adult at birth. It becomes about four times more large by the age of three than an infant's liver.
  3. The liver can be found on the left side of your abdomen, just below the lower rib cage.
  4. There are 16 major liver lobes. However there are many smaller, more intimate lobules.
  5. Red blood cells make up approximately 10 million of the liver's total.

What are some dark secrets in Hollywood?

Hollywood is full of secret societies. There are many secret societies in Hollywood. Some are cult-like, where members adhere to strict rules and rituals. Others are clubs for people who share similar interests.

There are other nefarious entities that have a significant influence on the industry. Companies such as the MPAA, which determines film ratings, or the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), that set music licensing fees, are examples of these.

Numerous unions, guilds, and associations represent actors, writers, producers, editors, and other creative professionals. Most major movie studios and television networks are owned by large corporations which own these various organizations.

It doesn't matter how secretive a group might seem, someone somewhere knows what they are doing. But we don't have to fear them.

Instead, we should embrace them. Because they offer us information that can help us make better decision.

These people tell us what movies and songs will succeed, and which books will sell best.

In short, they help us decide what we'll buy, watch, read, and listen to.

We can trust their advice and we can ignore it if it contradicts our values.

We choose to ignore them and they become even more powerful. They are the ultimate judges of taste.

You are free to ignore their messages if that bothers you.

Let's now look at some lesser-known, but still very real Hollywood secret organizations.

And see why they're so important.

How does the brain control the functions of your body?

The brain relays messages to other parts of the body to ensure their functionality. Your body's functions are controlled by your brain. It tells the stomach to digest food, and the lungs to breath air. It also tells your legs and arms to move.

Your brain is made of billions, or neurons, of nerve cells. Action potentials, which are electrical signals sent by neurons to each other via axons, allow them to communicate with one another. Every neuron has an outer cell membrane that surrounds its nucleus. Channels within the membrane allow ions such potassium and sodium to enter and leave the cells. The neuron is lit by an electric charge created by the movement of ions.

When a neuron is activated, neurotransmitters release chemicals into the space between it and the next neuron. Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the second neuron, opening ion channels so ions can pass in and out of the channel. As a result, the second neuron fires too.

Neurotransmitter releases occur when a presynaptic neurons receives an input from another neuron. An impulse travels along a synaptic link between the two neuron. The transmitter binds at the receptors of the post-synaptic Neuron and triggers its firing.

Neurotransmitters are important for communication within the nervous system. They also coordinate activity between different brain parts.

What is the most interesting fact about the human body?

We have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, four limbs, a mouth, a nose, and a penis. It's true, we have more 50 parts of our body, but there is one thing missing. A heart.

The heart is a pump that circulates blood throughout your body. The blood moves through the arteries and veins to transport oxygen and nutrients into the cells, and remove carbon dioxide.

The heart pumps about 5 liters blood per minute. This is equivalent to a person drinking 2-3 cups coffee daily.

Blood flows throughout the heart 24 hours per day, 365 Days a Year. While you are sleeping, your heart beats about 100 times per second.

Color of your skin is a good indicator of whether someone is healthy. The capillaries are tiny blood vessels that can be seen on the skin's surface. These tiny vessels transport blood from the larger blood vessels to the heart. When blood flow is blocked, the skin turns blue or purple.

Red blood cells are missing in people with sickle-cell disease. Their blood becomes sticky and hardens, causing them to become very ill.

Bandages are used to stop bleeding after you have cut yourself. For wounds to heal properly, blood must flow. To do this, doctors will insert a needle through your skin into the vein adjacent to the injury. This allows the blood to drain from the injured area.

Doctors also insert tubes (catheters) into the artery near the site where the blood clot forms. This keeps the patient occupied until the clot is broken down naturally.


  • In fact, nearly 24% of U.S. women are affected with one or more pelvic floor disorders, according to research funded by the National Institutes of Health. (romper.com)
  • A 2012 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that people blink about 15 to 20 times each minute, meaning, if you do the math, you spend about 10% of the time that you're awake blinking. (romper.com)
  • "It is estimated that 75% of people have at least mild gum disease, with the most common symptoms being bleeding when brushing, bad breath, and dark and swollen gums," Dr. Ron Baise, a London-based dentist, tells Romper. (romper.com)
  • The average human adult male heart rate is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while the average for adult women is between 78 and 82 beats, which is significantly faster, according to 2014 published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (romper.com)
  • It might not sound like something that's truly plausible — and it is quite rare — but according to a 2015 study published in the Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals, it's possible to hurt yourself and even break a rib just by sneezing. (romper.com)

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Hollywood Actors, Actresses and Actors with PhDs

Many prominent names include Oprah, Bill Gates. Steve Jobs. Bill Gates. Oprah. Winfrey. Michael Jordan. Barack Obama. Nikola Tesla and Marie Curie are among the many famous scientists.

Some stars have Ph.D. degrees including actor Tom Hanks and singer Barbra Streisand.

All these stars earned their doctorate from different universities around the world. After earning their PhDs, many of these celebrities have gone on to be successful entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Some other actors and actresses that have PhDs are:

  1. Actor David Schwimmer holds a Columbia University Business School MBA. He was also an alumni of NYU's Tisch Schools of the Arts.
  2. Jennifer Aniston is an actor. She graduated with her Bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College. Harvard University later awarded her her Master's in Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management.
  3. Julia Roberts was a Yale University Biology student before she received her Masters of Public Administration (Georgetown University) as an actor.
  4. Actor Edward Norton graduated with a Bachelors in Fine Arts from Brown University. He then earned his Doctorate in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Stanford University.
  5. Maggie Gyllenhaal is an actor. She graduated from Barnard College, where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. She then received her Master of Social Work from Columbia University.
  6. Sarah Jessica Parker, an actress, was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree at Wellesley College in psychology. Columbia University awarded her a master's degree in clinical psychology.
  7. Sandra Bullock, an actress, earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of California Berkeley. Then she received her Masters of Education in Education from UCLA.
  8. Reese Witherspoon graduated from Tulane University with a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science). After that, she earned her Master of International Affairs at Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
  9. Actress Michelle Williams graduated from Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She then received her Master of Arts degree as a Psychology Specialist from Boston University.
  10. Actress Shailenewoodley graduated Brigham Young University Hawaii in Hawaii with her Bachelors of Arts. She then went to graduate school for her Master's in Environmental Studies from San Francisco State University.
  11. Will Smith, actor graduated from Howard University after receiving a bachelor's in Communications. He earned his Master of Business Administration degree from Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
  12. Queen Latifah was an actress who graduated from Michigan State University with her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. She then earned her Master of Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  13. Amy Adams, actress, graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Music from Juilliard School. The Manhattan School of Music awarded her Master of Music degree.
  14. Halle Berry, an actress, graduated from American Conservatory Theater with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Carnegie Mellon University awarded her a Master of Fine Arts in Acting.
  15. Brittany Murphy was an actress. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Arts) from Santa Monica High School. She went on to earn her Masters of Fine Arts Acting from the New York Film Academy.

Cool Bug Facts